VAHTI-ohje 2005/1 Information security and management by results

VAHTI-ohje 2005/1 Information security and management by results

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The Recommendation handles information security according to the following division: – the definition of information security as a whole; – a presentation of general principles relating to information security using the Recommendation of the OECD as the basis; – an examination of the guidelines of national information security as a background factor; – the placement of information security in the management by results framework between the Ministry and the office; – a description of the handling of information security as an internal steering process of an office including policy and instructions as well as monitoring and evaluation.

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Katettu ajanjakso 01.01.2017 - 31.12.2017
Data viimeksi päivitetty 26. elokuuta 2014
Metatieto viimeksi päivitetty 26. elokuuta 2014
Luotu 26. elokuuta 2014
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