Eduskuntavaalit Helsingissä 2011

Excel file

From the dataset abstract

Parliamentary elections in 2011 from Helsinki’s perspective, regional differences in voter turnout and support for parties.

Tables in the dataset

  • Table 1. Voting turnout in Helsinki in the 2011 parliamentary elections, share of persons with tertiary level education, average income per year and unemployment rate by district.
  • Table 2. The number of votes cast for the parties, the proportion of votes cast, the change compared to the previous parliamentary elections and the number of seats in the whole country in the 2011 parliamentary elections.
  • Table 3. The number of votes cast for the parties, the proportion of votes cast, the change compared to the previous parliamentary elections and the number of seats in Helsinki in the 2011 parliamentary elections.
  • Table 4. Members of Parliament elected in the electoral district of Helsinki.
  • Appendix 6. Support for parties in the electoral district of Helsinki by voting area in the 2011 parliamentary elections.

Source: Eduskuntavaalit Helsingissä 2011


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Additional information

Format XLS
File size 76500
Temporal Coverage -
Data last updated 18 January 2018
Metadata last updated 13 September 2022
Created 18 January 2018
SHA256 -