Helsingin pyöräilijämäärät

Excel file

From the dataset abstract

Number of cyclists in Helsinki per hour from the beginning of 2014. The number of cyclists is calculated automatically at 16 different measuring points. The location coordinates of the counting machines are indicative (coordinate system ETRS-GK25).

In the 2016 data, both sides of the Kulosaari bridge are summed up in the Kulosaaren silta et. column.

Please note that there has been breach in data in the following counters:

  • Kaisaniemi 19.12.2021-30.6.2022
  • Kulosaaren silta pohjoispuoli 14.3.2022-30.6.2022
  • Munkkiniemi silta eteläpuoli 18.5.2022-30.6.2022
  • Ratapihantie 19.7.-15.9.2022
  • Lauttasaaren silta etelä- ja pohjoispuoli 30.6.-9.7.2022 and 20.9.2022-

The data is updated every six months.

Number of cyclists (CSV) and Number of cyclists (XLSX) are the same, except for the format of the Date column. In the CSV file, the date is in machine-readable YYYY-MM-DD TT:MM format, while in the XLSX file, the date is in a more human-readable format, e.g. Wednesday, 1 January 2014.

Source: Helsingin pyöräilijämäärät


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Additional information

Format XLSX
Temporal Coverage -
Data last updated 29 January 2021
Metadata last updated 9 May 2024
Created 29 January 2021
SHA256 -