Vantaan väestöennuste osa-alueittain iän ja sukupuolen mukaan


The population of Vantaa as a whole, by major district and city district and by gender and age (0–99 years) 1.1.2018 and a population projection for 1.1.2019–2028. The projection has been compiled in June 2018.

The population projection applies to residents living permanently in the municipality. The projection is based on the demographic structure at the beginning of the projection period by district in terms of age and gender, as well as assumptions about the future development of fertility, mortality and migration in the districts and the volume of housing construction during the projection period.


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Format XLSX
Temporal Coverage -
Data last updated 23 August 2018
Metadata last updated 14 September 2024
Created 23 August 2018
SHA256 -