The National Gallery's collection consists of works of art, objects and archival materials. As open data, we offer information on more than 78,000 works of art and objects, as well as images of more than 25,000 works...
The City of Helsinki awards annual grants to non-profit activities that support the City's activities and objectives. Various types of grants are available to registered associations, limited companies, foundations,...
My Espoo on the map resident survey was carried out in the fall of 2020. About 6,600 Espoo residents from different parts of the city responded to the survey. Respondents made approximately 70,000 entries and comments...
The landscape history maps are digitally drawn maps depicting the structure of landscape history, primarily based on large-scale maps from the late 1700s to the early 1800s. They serve to illustrate and pinpoint the...
Espoo outdoor routes are divided into a cycling map and Rantaraitti (Espoo's Waterfront Walkway). The information fields on the cycling map are more comprehensive, and it also includes Rantaraitti's paths. The route...
The data includes the responses to the Helsinki nature service policy resident survey 2022. The survey collected information on the use of nature services by Helsinki residents and their ideas for the development of...
Twelve different cycling routes have been compiled in the Vantaa Cycling Guide. The routes provide information about Vantaa's diverse nature and history. The guide introduces nature and cultural sites along the routes...
Aineisto sisältää listauksen Lounaistiedon karttapalvelun WMS-rajapinnoista. Aineiston sarake-erotin on puolipiste, rivierotin on rivinvaihto (CRLF) ja merkistökoodaus on UTF-8. Kentät: Tiedontuottaja Rajapinta...
Sisältää paikkatietoja Varsinais-Suomen alueen kyläyhdistyksistä, omakotiyhdistyksistä, nuorisoseuroista, yms. kotiseutuyhdistyksistä. Aineisto saattaa olla puutteellinen. Aineisto on siirretty Lounaistiedon...
Oulun seudulla sijaitsevat luonnonmuistomerkit. Luonnonmuistomerkki on kiinteä luonnonesine, joka edustaa koko maassa tai ainakin kyseisellä seudulla harvinaista lajia tai tyyppiä. Luonnomuistomerkki saattaa olla...
Oulun kaupungin alueella sijaitsevia kulttuuri- ja luontokohteita, jotka on myös julkaistuna -palvelussa. Kohteista on poistettu ne kohteet, jotka ovat saatavilla Visit Finlandin Datahub -rajapinnoista sekä...
Oulun kaupungin kalastusalueet. Data on saatavissa WFS-rajapinnan kautta. Aineisto päivittyy kerran viikossa. Ylläpitokoordinaatistona on ETRS-GK26FIN (EPSG: 3133), mutta aineisto voidaan projektoida myös muihin...
Tutkimus suomalaisten 78 kierroksen levyjen myyntiluvuista vuosilta 1941-1960 sekä Scandian 45 kierroksen levyjen myyntiluvuista vuosina 1959-1967. Lähteinä on käytetty Toivo Kärjen muistiinpanoja, Olavi Virran...
Contact and service information of all Finnish libraries by api.
The welfare statistics database contains information on the well-being of children and young people in Helsinki. The statistics contain information on, for example, family types, housing and livelihoods of children...
Finnish public library statistics. The Ministry of Education and Culture, together with the Regional State Administrative Agencies, is responsible for the Finnish public libraries’ statistics. The libraries update...
The prospective green and recreational network VISTRA includes the constituent parts of the Helsinki green and recreational network. These include the green fingers, the maritime blue palm, the green lines, the...
Helsinki City Museum The Helsinki Treasures survey asked respondents to name places that belong to the cultural environment of Helsinki. History, nature and the sea emerged as “megatrends". The survey was available... is a joint service of the adult education centres in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area (Helsinki Adult Education Centre, Helsingfors Arbis, Espoo Adult Education Centre, Esbo Arbis and Vantaa Adult Education...
The data includes the utilization information of outdoor gym devices in Hietaniemi, Paloheinä and Pirkkola (in Helsinki) outdoor gyms from the year 2021. The utilization rate of the devices is measured with separate...