Turku University of Applied Sciences published thesis are freely available in Theseus (https://www.theseus.fi). This dataset contains metadata on 2015-2022 graduated students from Degree Programme in Bachelor of Engineering and their thesis.
The data was extracted from the theses’ pdf files by a python script into a excel file, which were then cleaned and converted into json format.
While extracting the data, all theses which’s metadata could not be read in full, have been discarded, most for not following the template given.
The supervisor id‘s are matching those in the dataset for the Finnish-taught ICT degree program.
The dataset contains the following fields:
studyEntitlementDays - Opinto-oikeuden pituus päivinä
studyCredits - Opintopisteiden määrä valmistuessa
grade - Opinnäytetyön arvosana (1-5)
supervisorId - Valvojan ID (the supervisor who marked the grade, there can be 1-4 supervisors for one thesis)
pages - Sivumäärä
words - Sanamäärä
onlineReferences - Sähköisten lähteiden määrä
printedReferences - Painettujen lähteiden määrä
weakReferences - Heikkojen lähteiden määrä (wikipedia, reddit, blog, youtube)
keywordAppearances - Avainsanojen esiintymismäärä
keywords - Avainsanalista