Solar energy map of Espoo

Solar energy map of Espoo. The report analysed the amount of solar radiation falling on the roof surfaces of all buildings in Espoo. The analysis was carried out using a three-dimensional model based on laser scanning data together with the weather data of the Finnish Meteorological Institute for the reference year. The simulation also takes into consideration cloudiness and how vegetation and other buildings shade roof surfaces. The result is the amount of solar radiation falling on individual roofs each year. The analysis covers about 44,000 buildings. Only buildings with a roof area of more than 20 m2 are included in the analysis.

The analysis was produced together with WSP Finland and WSP Analysis & Strategy, Sweden. The SEES (Solar Energy from Existing Structures) software used was developed by the University of Gothenburg.

Content of the downloadable dataset

  • Report on the creation of the dataset (PDF)
  • Solar energy map (GeoTIFF)
  • Outline of the buildings used in the analysis (SHP)
  • Summary data of the analysed buildings

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Collection Open Data
Maintainer Espoon kaupungin kaupunkiympäristön toimiala
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Last modified 25.01.2023
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Created on 23.10.2012