Customer loans at Vantaa libraries

This dataset provides data on customer loans at Vantaa libraries. The data consists of two files.

The loan customers table includes a randomly selected 35-day period in 2015. This table provides the following information on the customer: gender, date of birth, residential postal code and language used in the library information system. Furthermore, the table provides the overall sum of loans by customer during the 35-day period. It also includes the number of book loans, fiction books, non-fiction books, Finnish books, non-Finnish books and other than book loans.

The loaned works table includes data on the works loaned by Vantaa customers during a randomly selected 35-day period in 2015. The loaned works table includes the author, title, language and keywords. Also, the table provides the customer's gender and age group.

The two files are separate. The rows have been edited so that it is not possible to determine which works a customer has loaned based on the customer information.

The rows in the loaned works file have been mixed up together so that is is not possible to determine what other works the same customer has loaned.

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Collection Open Data
Maintainer Vantaan kaupunkikulttuurin ja hyvinvoinnin toimiala
Maintainer email
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Geographical coverage
Last modified 03.10.2023
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Created on 22.05.2015