Unemployment benefits provided by Kela: Analysis by basis of eligibility

This dataset is associated with the dynamic report titled 'Unemployment benefits provided by Kela: Analysis by basis of eligibility', which is part of the Kelasto statistical database. It includes recipient totals for the most common unemployment benefits paid out by Kela, benefit expenditures, and the number of days of payment according to basis of eligibility. The dataset includes annual totals starting from 2000 and monthly totals from January 2018.

It covers basic unemployment allowances and labour market subsidies. Unemployment benefits include the labour market subsidy, the integration allowance and the combination subsidy. Combination subsidies paid by Kela were discontinued in 2007 and were replaced by the wage subsidy provided by the labour authorities.

The benefits are divided into main categories according to the basis of eligibility, i.e., into benefits paid during unemployment and benefits paid during participation in employment-promotion services. The employment-promotion services are also classified according to the type of measure. The category 'Data not available' includes repayments of benefit whose original basis of eligibility is not known.

Data for the basic unemployment allowance are available starting from 2010, the point at which the allowance was made available during participation in employment-promotion services similarly to the labour market subsidy and the integration allowance.

Data resources

Additional Info

Collection Open Data
Maintainer Kela (The Social Insurance Institution of Finland)
Maintainer email
  1. tilastot@kela.fi
Maintainer website https://tietotarjotin.fi/tilastodata/2242438/avoin-data
Links to additional information
  1. https://tietotarjotin.fi/tilastodata/852302/avoin-data-kelan-tyottomyysetuudet-korvausperusteen-mukaan
Update frequency
Last modified 17.02.2025
Show change log
Created on 16.02.2022