The parking places in Helsinki have been digitised mainly for the area of the city centre and resident parking zones. The dataset includes, for example, data on the type of parking, any validity period, fee...
Responses to the Helsinki traffic safety survey 2020. The survey was aimed at the residents of Helsinki and was open from 1 to 27 September 2020. The survey was conducted using a map survey tool. It asked, among...
The dataset contains information on the city plan reserve situation, or lot reserve, in the Helsinki metropolitan area, summed up in postal code areas. The data has been calculated from valid city plans in floor...
Excel-syöttölomakkeet Kuntatalouden tietopalveluun
Map level shows real-time air quality as an index of air quality in the permanent and mobile measurement stations of the Helsinki Region Environmental Services (HSY). The measurement result is updated hourly. HSY...
Data related to Espoo’s nature and environment can be accessed through the city’s WFS and WMS geographic data interfaces. The datasets include nature reserves, traditional landscapes, nature trails and valuable...
This dataset provides the register of public areas in the City of Espoo. It includes information about streets, equipment (e.g. benches and trash cans) and green space areas. The dataset is provided by the Public...
This dataset provides signposts for bicycle and pedestrian traffic in Espoo. The dataset is provided by the Public Works Department of Espoo. Coordinate systems: Maintained in ETRS-GK25 (EPSG:3879) API address:...
This dataset provides borders of real estates owned by city of Espoo. It also contains real estates that have been granted or rented internally. The dataset is provided by the Public Works Department of Espoo....
This dataset provides borders of real estates in Espoo. It is updated on a weekly basis. The dataset is provided by the Public Works Department of Espoo. API addresses: WMS:...
This dataset provides borders and numbers of city blocks in Espoo as areas (polygons). The data includes the number of the city block. The first numbers define the neighbourhood. The dataset is provided by the Public...
The dataset describes the winter maintenance equipment operations of the Espoo Public Works Department in the Espoo street network over the past 36 hours. The measures to be followed are ploughing and anti-skid...
This dataset provides the orthophotographs of Helsinki in GIS API from 1932 to present day. Additionally, photos from 1988, 1976, 1969, 1964, 1950, 1943 and 1932 are provided as image files. The Helsinki area is...
Vantaa's orthophotographs from different years are available through the WMS interface. An orthophoto is an aerial map of the entire area of Vantaa. An orthophotograph is an aerial mosaic of aerial photographs...
This dataset provides the orthophotographs of Espoo and Kauniainen from 1950, 1969, 1976, 1996 2001, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2021 and 2023. API address: WMS:...
Tämä dokumentti kuvaa SAPA-hankkeen vaiheistetun toteutussuunnitelman vuosille 2020-2022. SAPA-alustan toteuttamisesta vastaa opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön linjausten mukaan CSC – Tieteen tietotekniikkakeskus Oy....
Julkaisussa on mukana Hämeenlinnan kaupungin ulkoiset ostot laskuriveittäin vuodelta 2019 lukuun ottamatta tietosuojan rajoittamia rivejä. Käytännössä tiedostoista on karsittu pois tilit, joita suojaa...
The Sortti collection vehicles (earlier: touring collection vehicles) of the Helsinki Region Environmental Services Authority (HSY) tour every year in Espoo, Kauniainen, Helsinki, Vantaa and Kirkkonummi. The data...
Selvityksen tarkoitus on määritellä, mitä digitaalisilla arkeologisilla aineistoilla tarkoitetaan, kuka aineistoja käsittelee ja tuottaa, missä muodossa ja miten aineistoja säilytetään. Selvitykseen on pyritty...
Kuopion melualueet sisältävät vuoden 2017 aikana tehtyjä meluselvityksiä. Aineistossa on kuvattu Tie- ja raideliikenteen melualueet EU-tunnusluvulla (Lden, päivä-ilta-yökeskiäänitaso) ja Lyö (yöajan keskiäänitaso)...