This dataset is associated with the dynamic report titled Child care allowances: Number of recipients and allowances paid out, which is part of the Kelasto statistical database. Monthly data are available since 2018...
Tämä tietoaineisto liittyy Kelan tilastotietokanta Kelaston dynaamiseen raporttiin Voimassa olleet, alkaneet ja päättyneet lääkekorvausoikeudet. Aineistossa on tietoja vuositasolla vuodesta 1986 alkaen....
This dataset is associated with the dynamic report titled Recipients of guarantee pension and average amount of pension received, which is part of the Kelasto statistical database. It contains end-of-year data...
The National Gallery's collection consists of works of art, objects and archival materials. As open data, we offer information on more than 78,000 works of art and objects, as well as images of more than 25,000 works...
The locations of crossings with traffic lights in Vantaa. The data is constantly updated. The data can be found at, which provides a link to ArcGIS service. Previewing the data: In the
Föllärit on Turun yhteiskäyttöinen kaupunkipyöräjärjestelmä, ja se on integroitu osaksi Fölin joukkoliikennettä. Turun kaupunkipyöräjärjestelmä on asematon järjestelmä, eli se koostuu yhteiskäyttöisistä polkupyöristä...
This dataset is associated with the dynamic report titled Recipients of pension and average pensions in Finland, which is part of the Kelasto statistical database. The dataset includes end-of-year data starting from...
Oulun kaupungin organisaatiohierarkia, josta käy ilmi seuraavat tietokentät: - kustannuspaikka (kpaikka) - Kustannuspaikan selite (kpaikka_selite) - Toimintayksikkö - Palveluyksikkö - Vastuualue - Palvelualue -...
This dataset is associated with the dynamic report titled Sickness allowance: Number of recipients and allowances paid out, which has appeared in two series covering the years 2020- and 1993-2019. Annual data are...
This dataset is associated with the dynamic report titled Sickness allowance: Number of recipients and allowances paid out, which has appeared in two series covering the years 2020- and 1993-2019. Annual data are...
This dataset is associated with the dynamic report titled Finnish disability pension: Recipients by illness, which is part of the Kelasto statistical database. The dataset includes end-of-year data starting from 2003....
This dataset is associated with the dynamic report titled School transport subsidy: Number of recipients and subsidies paid out, which is part of the Kelasto statistical database. The dataset includes data on...
This dataset is associated with the dynamic report titled Financial aid for students: Number of recipients and financial aid paid out, which is part of the Kelasto statistical database. The dataset contains data on...
This dataset has been gathered from the 478 bachelor‘s theses written for the Finnish-taught ICT (Information and Communication Technology) degree program which were published between 2017 and 2022. Most of the theses...
This dataset is associated with the dynamic report titled ‘Recipients of pension benefits from Kela and average amounts of benefit’, which is part of the Kelasto statistical database. Monthly data are available since...
This dataset is associated with the dynamic reports titled Allowances for parents: Number of recipients and allowances paid out, 2022- and Maternity, paternity and parental allowances: Number of recipients and...
Helsinki Region Transport's (HSL) LATI Web service is a ferry traffic statistics application commissioned by HSL. The system records the number of passengers, transported vehicles and passengers and/or vehicles that...
General description Hourly counts of pedestrians, bicycles and motor vehicles at the intersection of Ratapihantie / Rautatieläisenkatu in spring 2023. The data was collected by Wapice Oy as a data collection pilot...
General description A data collection experiment using machines and a measuring point to collect microparticle concentrations during street cleaning to assess air quality. PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 concentrations from...
This dataset is associated with the dynamic report titled Reimbursements of medical expenses: Number of recipients and reimbursements paid out, which is part of the Kelasto statistical database. Monthly data are...