Oulun suuraluejako ESRI Shapefile- ja MapInfo TAB -paikkatietoformaattien mukaisina tiedostoina sekä WFS-rajapintana toimitettuna. Aineiston ylläpitokoordinaatistona ja paikkatietoaineistojen toimituskoordinaatistona...
The dataset includes the up-to-date partition of real estate in the administrative area of the City of Helsinki and a limited set of attributes extracted from the municipal register. The following attributes have...
The dataset includes the unseparated parcels in the administrative area of the City of Helsinki and a limited set of attributes extracted from the municipal register. Parcel refers to an area of a property with...
The building prohibitions dataset is a thematic map compiled by the City Survey Services of the City of Helsinki’s Urban Environment Division on the city’s existing building prohibition areas. An area or property may...
This dataset provides information on housing production in Espoo by type of dwelling and district 2005-.
An API for making resource reservations, such as booking a practice room or a meeting space. API location: Reservation booking system or Respa is a prototype service that aims to provide...
The dataset includes residents’ views on the future of the City of Vantaa. The data was compiled through an online survey in spring 2017. The survey data covers residents’ wishes for the future and their views on the...
The cadastral map of Helsinki is a general terrain map showing the property codes and boundaries in the administrative area of the City of Helsinki. The cadastral map also shows the boundaries and codes of plot...
The base map of Helsinki is a large-scale (1:500) map maintained by the Urban Environment Division’s City Survey Services and used as a basis for city planning and civil engineering. The base map serves as a map...
The pictorial map is a bird’s-eye view map of the inner city of Helsinki. Buildings and other features are presented in 3D. The map covers the southern inner city of Helsinki. The scale of the dataset is 1:6,700....
Oulun äänestysaluejako ESRI Shapefile- ja MapInfo TAB -paikkatietoformaattien mukaisina tiedostoina sekä WFS-rajapintana toimitettuna. Aineiston ylläpitokoordinaatistona ja paikkatietoaineistojen...
Oulun kaupungin alueen postipiiritETRS-GK26-koordinaattijärjestelmässä. Vektorimuotoinen aineisto sisältää ominaisuustietoina postinumeroalueet sekä niiden nimet. (vaatii paikkatieto-ohjelmiston toimiakseen oikein)
Tampereen yliopiston julkaisema avoin data. Aineisto on koneluettavassa muodossa, maksuton ja vapaasti käytettävissä.
With the Nature Information System, you can get to know the diverse nature of Helsinki. The most important natural resources of the system are nature conservation sites, valuable flora and fauna sites, important bird...
Varsinais-Suomen, Satakunnan ja Pirkanmaan kunnille tuotettu paikkatietojen hyödyntämiskysely ja sen vastaukset. Vastauksia saatiin 18, joista 6 vastaajaa ei halunnut tietoja julkaistavaksi. Ne on poistettu...
Aineisto on voimassa olevien pysäkki- ja aikataulujen mukainen. txt-muotoinen aineisto on zip-paketissa (GTFS).
Old detailed plans of Helsinki. The detailed plan maps for years 1820, 1838 and 1878 can be downloaded as TIFF-files. The guidemaps for all years can be found through WMS API. Previewing the data in the
You can use Espoo’s Linked Events API to retrieve event data of several City of Espoo departments and institutions and the Helmet library service in a uniform format. The geographic data is linked to a service map,...
Helsinki’s LiDAR data is a series of laser point clouds that cover the entire area of the city. The LiDAR data is a three-dimensional, dot-like dataset depicting the ground and objects on the ground. The LiDAR data...
The dataset includes the parking areas for heavy vehicles in Vantaa. The total number of parking spaces for heavy vehicles is approximately 300. As a rule, parking areas for heavy traffic are located in public parking...