Aineisto sisältää Toivakan kunnan ostolaskut vuodelta 2022 Kuntaliiton ohjeistuksen mukaisesti. Aineistosta ilmenee mm. ostolaskujen ajankohta-, tosite- ja tiliöintitiedot, palveluluokka sekä toimittajan nimi....
The City of Kauniainen’s purchases of services, materials, supplies and goods, rents paid, other expenses and acquisitions of fixed assets since 2014. The data has been extracted from the electronic processing system...
The dataset includes the purchases of services, materials, supplies and goods by the City of Espoo, as well as rents and other expenses paid, since 2012. The dataset includes the purchase invoice information of the...
The data includes the purchases of services, materials, supplies and goods by the City of Vantaa since 2012. The dataset includes the purchase invoice information of all the City of Vantaa’s divisions, municipal...