Procurements by the City of Helsinki (services, materials and supplies, acquisitions of fixed assets) from 2012 onwards. The data is updated monthly in CSV files. Starting from March 2017, the data of Stara and HKR...
The data includes the financial statements and work programmes for the investments of the City of Vantaa. The dataset includes the investments of the city and its municipal enterprises and funds by project group....
City of Espoo’s original budget data from 2012 onwards. The data is allocation scheme level data. The dataset includes the city’s operating income and expenses, financial income and expenses, tax income, central...
Income and expenditure of the City of Helsinki since 2009 according to the financial statements. The annually updated Excel files contain one-year totals by organisation and account. Some departments are missing from...
Income and expenditure of the City of Espoo by account and cost centre according to the financial statements starting from 2011. The dataset includes information on the sectors, municipal enterprises and balance...