The City of Helsinki awards annual grants to non-profit activities that support the City's activities and objectives. Various types of grants are available to registered associations, limited companies, foundations,...
The data includes the responses to the Helsinki nature service policy resident survey 2022. The survey collected information on the use of nature services by Helsinki residents and their ideas for the development of...
Tutkimus suomalaisten 78 kierroksen levyjen myyntiluvuista vuosilta 1941-1960 sekä Scandian 45 kierroksen levyjen myyntiluvuista vuosina 1959-1967. Lähteinä on käytetty Toivo Kärjen muistiinpanoja, Olavi Virran...
Helsinki City Museum The Helsinki Treasures survey asked respondents to name places that belong to the cultural environment of Helsinki. History, nature and the sea emerged as “megatrends". The survey was available...
The surveys have collected information from residents on how the city’s services are perceived to be accessible in different parts of the city and how the accessibility of services could be improved, for example, by...
Digitaalisuus kulttuurilaitosten yleisötyössä -kyselyn tavoitteena oli kartoittaa kulttuuritoimijoiden käytäntöjä, haasteita ja tarpeita digitaalisin keinoin ylläpidettävässä yleisösuhteessa. Tällä tarkoitetaan...
The Statistical Yearbook provides a varied, statistics-based description of Helsinki and its residents. Many of the tables also present comparative data from the rest of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area, the Helsinki...
The dataset includes residents’ views on the future of the City of Vantaa. The data was compiled through an online survey in spring 2017. The survey data covers residents’ wishes for the future and their views on the...
The Helsinki Art Museum’s exhibitions from 1976 onwards and Kluuvi Gallery’s exhibitions from 1968 onwards have been compiled into a list. The list includes the names, times and venues of the exhibitions. The list...
Helsingin kaupunginmuseo ja Musiikkiarkisto toteuttivat syksyllä 2016 Suomi 100 -juhlavuoden hankkeen ”Itsenäisyyden laulut”, jossa kerättiin verkkokyselyllä muistoja ja mielikuvia lauluista, joita on eri...
Mihin jäi punk?” -muistitietohanke toteutettiin 28.2.-31.8.2016. Kerätyistä 37 muistelusta 36 on julkaistu avoimesti. Muistelut keskittyvät punkin ensimmäiseen aaltoon. Yhteistyöhankkeen takana olivat Musiikkiarkisto...
Oulun kaupungin omistamien asukastupien tapahtumat ja kävijämäärät. Aineisto sisältää koonnin seka asukastupa kohtaiset tiedot: Kävijämäärät - ruokailijat - kursseihin ja kerhoihin osallistujien määrä - tapahtumiin...
This dataset provides statistics on the Baltic states and until 2021 St. Petersburg in Statistical Yearbook of Helsinki. Contents Area and population density Population Population by age and sex Vital statistics Life...
This dataset provides statistics on culture and leisure in Statistical Yearbook of Helsinki. Contents Concerts of the symphony orchestras in Helsinki Theatres and opera Circus Dance Theatres and Indipendent Dance...
City of Helsinki art and culture subsidies in 2010-2016. The data is also in English. From 2023 onwards, grants awarded by the City of Helsinki are opened in the same dataset. The data includes: Operating subsidies...
Lists of the most borrowed adult books at the city libraries of Espoo, Helsinki, Kauniainen and Vantaa. The lists cover the 100 most borrowed adult books (fiction and non-fiction). The data starts at the beginning of...
Lists of the most borrowed children’s books at the city libraries of Espoo, Helsinki, Kauniainen and Vantaa. The lists cover the 100 most borrowed children’s books (fiction and non-fiction). The data is quarterly and...
Number of cyclists in Helsinki per hour from the beginning of 2014. The number of cyclists is calculated automatically at 16 different measuring points. The location coordinates of the counting machines are indicative...
Monthly statistics on the numbers of visitors at swimming halls in Espoo since 2009 and an annual summary since 2004. If a field contains the value of 0, the swimming hall was closed for that month.
This dataset provides statistics on the number of loans from the city libraries of Helsinki region in 2013-2014.