My Espoo on the map resident survey was carried out in the fall of 2020. About 6,600 Espoo residents from different parts of the city responded to the survey. Respondents made approximately 70,000 entries and comments...
Vacant business plots in Espoo on the map. Coordinate systems: Maintained in ETRS-GK25 (EPSG:3879) API addresses: WFS: WFS: For QGIS 2.18 - 3.x versions:...
This dataset provides statistics on buildings in Uusimaa by purpose of use, heating method, heating material and floor area as of 31.12.2010.
Reality mesh of Espoo is a visual city model produced from aerial images. It covers all of the cities of Espoo and Kauniainen. The mesh model is produced from over 22 000 aerial images obtained in 2017. The...
Espoo ground surface dataset depicts the ground surface of Espoo in 2017 and 2013. The data has been collected by laser scanning. The data is a three-dimensional, dot-like dataset depicting the ground. The ground...
Urban weather model results of the URCLIM project. Data includes temperature at 2m high, moderate and strong heat stress during summer months and road weather for traffic and pedestrians during winter. Average daily...
You can use the address interface of Uusimaa to search for official addresses and their coordinates for the entire Uusimaa region. The interface provides the coordinates, postal code and municipality name for the...
City plans that were approved and came into force in 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 are a geographic dataset containing areal geometries. The data contains the delimitations of those city plans that indicate residential...
Completed apartments in 2020, 2021 and 2022 is dataset with point-shaped spatial information covering 14 municipalities in the Helsinki region (Espoo, Helsinki, Kauniainen, Vantaa, Hyvinkää, Järvenpää, Kerava,...
Buildings in the Helsinki metropolitan area has been published on the basis of data from the regional basic register maintained by HSY for the municipalities Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa and Kauniainen. For Espoo, the...
HSY prepares an annual presentation on the maximum prices of lots applied in the Helsinki metropolitan area in housing production supported by the Housing Finance and Development Centre of Finland (ARA). The objective...
The dataset contains information on the city plan reserve situation, or lot reserve, in the Helsinki metropolitan area, summed up in postal code areas. The data has been calculated from valid city plans in floor...
This dataset provides the register of public areas in the City of Espoo. It includes information about streets, equipment (e.g. benches and trash cans) and green space areas. The dataset is provided by the Public...
This dataset provides borders of real estates owned by city of Espoo. It also contains real estates that have been granted or rented internally. The dataset is provided by the Public Works Department of Espoo....
This dataset provides borders of real estates in Espoo. It is updated on a weekly basis. The dataset is provided by the Public Works Department of Espoo. API addresses: WMS:...
This dataset provides borders and numbers of city blocks in Espoo as areas (polygons). The data includes the number of the city block. The first numbers define the neighbourhood. The dataset is provided by the Public...
The data contains information on the extent of HSY’s stormwater sewerage area at property level. The stormwater sewerage area is based on Section 17 a of the Water Services Act. A property located in the stormwater...
Helsingissä on toiminut kaupunkipyöräjärjestelmä vuodesta 2016 alkaen. Järjestelmä tarjoaa avoimen rajapinnan, josta voi hakea reaaliaikaisen vapaiden pyörien määrän kullakin telineellä. Olen kerännyt tätä dataa...
The Espoo base map, which is the same data that is also used in the up-to-date 3D city model, shows all the important elements of design and construction, such as buildings, transport routes, terrain patterns,...
The 3D urban data model of Espoo covers all types of features included and described in the CityGML standard, with the exception of engineering structures, such as bridges and tunnels. The 3D urban data model of Espoo...