Available Plots for Business of the City of Helsinki. The address of the WFS is: Data can be found in layer Vapaat_yritystontit. The address of the WMS is:...
Turun ja Kaarinan peruskoulujen oppilaaksiottoalueet. Julkaistut tasot: WFS-rajapinta: GIS:Oppilasalueet_suomi GIS:Oppilasalueet_ruotsi_1-9 OGC API -rajapinta: Oppilasalueet suomi Oppilasalueet ruotsi 1-9...
Turun kaupungin katu- ja viheralueiden yläpidon urakka-alueet sekä Kaarinan katualueiden ylläpitoalueet. Julkaistut tasot: WFS-rajapinta: GIS:Yllapitoalueet_katu_viher GIS:Yllapitoalueet_katu_Kaarina OGC API...
The Sinetti archive information system operated by the City of Helsinki Archives provides collection data from archived documents of the City of Helsinki. The document collections mostly comprise permanently retained,...
The dataset includes the water channels of Helsinki, i.e. rivers, streams, ditches, riverbeds and the pipelined sections of the biggest channels. The structure of the data follows the data model of the HSY...
This dataset is associated with the dynamic report titled 'Expenditure on general housing allowance ', which is part of the Kelasto statistical database. It contains annual data starting with 1994 and monthly and...
This dataset is associated with the dynamic report titled 'Decisions on benefit applications ', which is part of the Kelasto statistical database. It includes data on the number of decisions issued by Kela on...
Helsinki Region Environmental Services (HSY) collects hazardous waste in Espoo, Helsinki, Kirkkonummi and Vantaa. The material includes hazardous waste collection points. Hazardous waste from households is accepted at...
Aineisto sisältää Lempäälän kunnan palvelujen, aineiden, tarvikkeiden ja tavaroiden ostot, sekä avustukset ja muihin toimintakuluihin kuuluvat Y-tunnukselliset ostot. Aineistosta ilmenee mm. ostolaskun ajankohta-,...
The data consists of the 2021 business survey implemented by the cities of Vantaa, Kerava, and Järvenpää. The data consists of the answers submitted by 91 businesses or other organizations. The data was collected on...
Open data service of Helsinki Metropolitan Area, Helsinki Region Infoshare (, conducts an annual survey of the use of open data available through the service. The survey inquires about how open data has been...
Aineisto sisältää Mikkelin kaupungin palvelujen, aineiden, tarvikkeiden, tavaroiden ja muiden hyödykkeiden ostoihin liittyvät ostolaskujen tiliöintitiedot kaikilta kaupungin toimialoilta. Lisäksi aineistoon sisältyy...
Aineisto sisältää Lappeenrannan kaupungin palvelujen, aineiden, tarvikkeiden ja tavaroiden ja muiden kulujen ostot. Aineistossa on mukana Lappeenrannan kaupungin kaikkien toimialojen ostolaskutiedot. Tiedot on...
Visitor analytics in city of Helsinki websites. The websites include, for example, the city’s main website, the Youth Helsinki website that compiles the content for young people, the Helsinki Channel for...
Land cover mapping of impervious surfaces in Helsinki Metropolitan Area using AI. The pixel values represent the probability that the pixel is impervious, and they range between 0 and 254. Pixel values above 127 can...