Lists of the most borrowed children’s books at the city libraries of Espoo, Helsinki, Kauniainen and Vantaa. The lists cover the 100 most borrowed children’s books (fiction and non-fiction). The data is quarterly and...
The total reservations for the books of the city libraries of Espoo, Helsinki, Kauniainen and Vantaa on the dates indicated in the tab title. The list includes books that had at least 5 reservations at the time of the...
Monthly and annual averages of air pollutants in the Helsinki metropolitan area, concentrations comparable to standards, maximum hourly values and data on the temporal representativeness of monitoring.
This dataset provides statistics on the number of loans from the city libraries of Helsinki region in 2013-2014.
Comparison of child welfare between the six largest cities of Finland in 2008-2021. The data is arranged in sheets by year (data for all cities for each year) by city (data for each city from 2008 onwards) The...
The dataset provides the locations of public water posts in the Helsinki metropolitan area. City residents can freely fetch water from the water posts (e.g. fill their water bottles). The attribute data includes the...
A household mixed waste composition study in the Helsinki metropolitan area is carried out every three years. The results are presented in averages and by property group as well %-share and kg/property/resident. The...
The material contains the air quality indices of HSY’s air quality monitoring sites on an hourly basis. The air quality index divides air quality into five different classes, from good to very poor. The index classes...
The data contains information on usage-based greenhouse gas emissions in the Helsinki metropolitan area and separately in the cities of the Helsinki metropolitan area by sector (district heating, oil heating, electric...
The dataset contains information on energy consumption in the Helsinki metropolitan area and separately in the cities of the Helsinki metropolitan area by sector (district heating, oil heating, electric heating,...
This dataset contains emissions data of the Helsinki metropolitan area's district heating by production method (by power plant and heating plant) and by sector (households, services and public sector, industry) in...
The material contains information on greenhouse gas emissions from traffic in the Helsinki metropolitan area by mode of transport (passenger cars, vans, buses, trucks, motorcycles, ships and boats, and rail transport)...
Responses to the customer survey conducted annually by HSY, question 11: "Which of the following types of waste do you sort yourself and how regularly?", years 2007-2017. The survey examines the behaviour of the...
The postal code areas of Helsinki metropolitan area has been produced at HSY together with the cities of Helsinki, Espoo and Vantaa. The data contains precise area boundaries and information on postal codes and...
Asty Web is Helsinki Region Transport's internet database, which provides research information on passenger satisfaction in public transportation. It is possible to make custom tables, reports and graphs from your...
Data on income support for the six largest cities in 2005-2021. For income support, both clients (households and individuals) and costs are examined. Income support has been included in the comparisons since the...
The regional statistics interface enables the computerised retrieval of statistical data in Greater Helsinki’s Aluesarjat (in Finnish) statistical database in different file formats, such as XLSX, CSV, JSON and...
Helsinki Metropolitan Area (Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa and Kauniainen) service register REST API. The interface offers possibilities to make queries and use the data in the Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa and Kauniainen Service...
The number of children in early childhood education by age group and type of care from 2002, the days of attendance from 2005 and the number of personnel from 2008 in municipal daycare centres and the costs of the...
The data includes the car ownership data of Helsinki Metropolitan Area for the years 2000, 2002, 2005, 2007, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2020 and 2022 . Years 2000-2017 include the data from Helsinki, Espoo and...