The National Gallery's collection consists of works of art, objects and archival materials. As open data, we offer information on more than 78,000 works of art and objects, as well as images of more than 25,000 works...
Yleinen suomalainen asiasanasto (YSA) on yksikielinen, kaikki tieteen- ja tiedonalat kattava yleissanasto, johon on koottu eri alojen yleisin terminologia. Yleinen suomalainen asiasanasto on tarkoitettu käytettäväksi...
The Finnish corporate names data set is used by the National Library of Finland in the description of the national bibliography Fennica.
YSO-paikat on kaksikielinen yleiskäyttöinen paikkakäsitteistö. YSO-paikat sisältää hallinnollisiin ja muihin alueisiin, sekä luonnonmaantieteellisten paikkoihin viittaavia käsitteitä, joita on otettu mukaan...
Metadata thesaurus contains terms and expressions required in describing materials. The thesaurus is also suitable for selecting headings displayed in user interfaces. The thesaurus has been organised according to...
The API provides a way to perform searches to the material provided by the organizations (Finnish libraries, archives and museums) participating in For example the metadata of Fennica - the Finnish National...
The dataset includes the metadata of all open data found in the Helsinki Region Infoshare (HRI) online service for open data. The metadata can be read through the CKAN data catalogue interface. Through the interface,...