Population projection for the entire Helsinki and Helsinki region by age (and gender) in three options and the projection for Helsinki by area. In addition, the data includes the projection of residential construction...
The regional statistics interface enables the computerised retrieval of statistical data in Greater Helsinki’s Aluesarjat (in Finnish) statistical database in different file formats, such as XLSX, CSV, JSON and...
The dataset includes the metadata of all open data found in the Helsinki Region Infoshare (HRI) online service for open data. The metadata can be read through the CKAN data catalogue interface. Through the interface,...
This dataset provides vital statistics of the Helsinki region.
This dataset provides statistics on migration in the Helsinki region by age group.
This dataset provides the population of the Helsinki region 31.12.1990- and population projection -2040.
This dataset provides statistics on migration in the Helsinki region.
This dataset provides statistics on children in the Helsinki region by age group and family type.
This dataset provides statistics on the population of the Helsinki region by native language 31.12.1999- and population projection -2034.
This dataset provides statistics on families in Helsinki region by age of children.
This dataset provides statistics on births in the Helsinki region by age of the mother.
This dataset provides statistics on deaths in the Helsinki region by age and gender.
This dataset provides statistics on households in the Helsinki region by surface area, number of dwellers and dwelling density.
Statistics on dwellings in the Helsinki region by tenure status and type of dwelling 31.12.2003-
Statistics on buildings in Uusimaa by intended use, year of construction and floor area 31.12.2010-.
This dataset provides statistics on the average size of households in the Helsinki region.
Statistics on dwellings in Uusimaa by type of building and year of completion 31.12.2010-.
Dwellings in Uusimaa by type of building, tenure status and occupancy status 31.12.2003-.
This dataset provides statistics on the number of households in the Helsinki region by number of dwellers and type of building.
This dataset provides statistics on migration in the Helsinki region by educational level and gender.