The dataset includes the voting results of participatory budgeting in Helsinki, compiled into an Excel file and anonymised so that individual participants cannot be identified. Data is available from the votes in...
Historical guide maps of Helsinki from 1940, 1952, 1962 and 1999. The guide maps include the following Information: place names, streets, roads and railway connections, public buildings, residential areas, industrial...
News on the City of Helsinki’s website are available as open data via a RSS feed. The Helsinki City Executive Office’s Communications is responsible for the contents on the site. You can edit the content of the...
The number of clients, services and costs of substance abuse and mental health services for the adult population in the six largest cities in Finland in 2016-2021. The dataset contains information on integrated...
The dataset includes monitoring data collected during the FinEst Smart Mobility project (5th April 2018 – 15th March 2019) on the passenger ships Finlandia, Star, Megastar and Silja Europa operating between Helsinki’s...
The dataset includes the data for a company interview survey commissioned by the City of Helsinki and carried out by Taloustutkimus Oy for four review years (2016, 2018, 2020 and 2023). The data includes the answers...
This dataset provides statistics on housing production by type of house, tenure status, financing and room type in Helsinki.
In spring 2017, the cities of Helsinki and Vantaa conducted a survey on residents’ perceptions and attitudes regarding the state of the environment, environmental protection and the development of the city. The...
The population and the population projection of Helsinki by district.
Population with foreign background in Helsinki since 2017 according to gender and background country
Helsingin ulkomaalaistaustainen väestö sukupuolen ja taustamaan mukaan vuodesta 2017 alkaen. Sisältää tietoja kunnassa vakituisesti asuvasta väestöstä ikäryhmittäin. HUOM Ulkomaalaistaustainen-käsitteen määrittely...
Ulkomaan kansalaiset Helsingissä kansalaisuuden sekä syntymäalueen ja sukupuolen mukaan vuodesta 2017 alkaen. Sisältää tietoja kunnassa vakituisesti asuvasta väestöstä ikäryhmittäin. Kohdejoukko ja rajaus Väestöllä...
The Statistical Yearbook provides a varied, statistics-based description of Helsinki and its residents. Many of the tables also present comparative data from the rest of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area, the Helsinki...
An API for making resource reservations, such as booking a practice room or a meeting space. API location: Reservation booking system or Respa is a prototype service that aims to provide...
Koulurekisteri is the school history database operated by the Helsinki City Archives. It is the most comprehensive listing available of the history of all schools in the City of Helsinki area, starting from the...
The City of Helsinki offers its employees versatile training. Stadin Akatemia organises approximately one third of the city’s total education offering, and the dataset includes only training organised by Stadin...
The InfoFinland website provides information for people moving to Finland in 12 languages (Finnish, Swedish, English, Russian, Estonian, French, Ukrainian, Spanish, Turkish, Chinese, Persian, Arabic). The InfoFinland...
Note (12/2024): Due to a technical update, the resource reservation API is currently not available. A new API is being discussed. An API for making resource reservations, such as booking a practice room or a meeting...
There are two next generation 3D city models of Helsinki available: a semantic city information model and a visually high-quality reality mesh model. You can view the 3D city model and download its information at...
The dataset includes the answers to the online survey about reforming the governance system of Helsinki. The brainstorming survey was conducted by the City of Helsinki online between 31 August and 21 September 2015....
Parliamentary elections in 2015 from Helsinki’s perspective, regional differences in voter turnout and support for parties. Tables in the dataset -Voter turnout at the parliamentary elections in Helsinki and Finland...