Open data service of Helsinki Metropolitan Area, Helsinki Region Infoshare (, conducts an annual survey of the use of open data available through the service. The survey inquires about how open data has been...
The number of clients, services and costs of substance abuse and mental health services for the adult population in the six largest cities in Finland in 2016-2021. The dataset contains information on integrated...
Comparison of child welfare between the six largest cities of Finland in 2008-2021. The data is arranged in sheets by year (data for all cities for each year) by city (data for each city from 2008 onwards) The...
Data on income support for the six largest cities in 2005-2021. For income support, both clients (households and individuals) and costs are examined. Income support has been included in the comparisons since the...
The number of children in early childhood education by age group and type of care from 2002, the days of attendance from 2005 and the number of personnel from 2008 in municipal daycare centres and the costs of the...
The data includes the car ownership data of Helsinki Metropolitan Area for the years 2000, 2002, 2005, 2007, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2020 and 2022 . Years 2000-2017 include the data from Helsinki, Espoo and...
The number of clients, services and costs of social services for persons with intellectual disabilities in the six largest cities in Finland in 2004–2016. The dataset has been combined with the comparison of services...
The number of clients, services and costs of disability services in the six largest cities in Finland in 2004-2021. From 2017 onwards, the dataset has been combined with a comparison of services for persons with...
The number of clients, services and costs of social welfare services and specialised medical care for elderly people in the six largest cities in Finland in 2004-2021. In the examination of the number of clients,...
The morbidity index is calculated by means of three register variables describing the morbidity of the population. These are the share of people on disability pension among the working-age population, the share of...