The information is data used in the publication Espoo by region 2022, and the publication itself can be found on the Espoo website at the link...
This dataset provides statistics on the population of the Helsinki region by native language as of 31.12.1980.
This dataset provides statistics on families in Helsinki region by family type.
This dataset provides statistics on population of Uusimaa by main activity, age and sex as of 31.12.2001.
This dataset provides statistics on deaths in Uusimaa by age and sex since 1994.
This dataset provides statistics on live births in Uusimaa by age of mother since 1987.
This dataset provides statistics on the population of Uusimaa by native language, gender and age since 1994.
This dataset provides statistics on the population of Uusimaa by age group since 1961.
This dataset provides statistics on population projections used in the Uusimaa region's workplace projection.
Tilastotietoja Turun kaupungin osa-alueittain. Aineisto sisältää aluejaot: koko kaupunki (853 Turku) ja pienalueet (853+kuusi numeroa). Alkuperäiset aineistot on tuottanut Tilastokeskus. Turun kaupungin avoimen datan...
Kuntarakenteen kehittämisen edellytykset Varsinais-Suomessa -julkaisun tarpeisiin tehty kartta Varsinais-Suomen alueen väestön keskittyneisyydestä vuonna 2005. Aineisto on siirretty Lounaistiedon dataportaalista.
Aluesarjat - Key figures enables the use of statistical data by sub-region of Helsinki using the open WFS interface. The statistics are based on the data in the Helsinki region statistical database. The information is...
Porvoon aluekohtainen ruututason väestöennuste perustuu Porvoon koodipohjaiseen ennusteeseen. Ennuste päivitetään vuosittain. Yksittäisen ruudun data ei ole käyttökelvollinen väestön ennustamiseen, mutta ruututasoinen...
The Nordstat database, implemented in cooperation between the Nordic countries, contains basic statistics as time series on the largest cities and urban regions in the Nordic countries. The statistics for entire...
The welfare statistics database contains information on the well-being of children and young people in Helsinki. The statistics contain information on, for example, family types, housing and livelihoods of children...
This dataset provides preliminary vital statistics of the Helsinki region.
This dataset provides statistics on the preliminary population of Helsinki by age group and area 31.12.2015–2023.
This dataset provides statistics on the preliminary population of Espoo by age group and area 31.12.2015-.
This dataset provides statistics on preliminary migration between municipalities and countries in the Helsinki region 2010-.
This dataset provides statistics on the preliminary population of Vantaa by age group and area 31.12.2015-.