The Population Information System has been extracted from the names and surnames of names and surnames in the Population Information System. For privacy reasons, the underlings of less than 5 and the family names of...
Kehitysvammahuollon sosiaalipuolen asiakasmäärät, suoritteet ja kustannukset Suomen kuudessa suurimmassa kaupungissa vuosina 2004-2016. Aineisto on vuodesta 2017 eteenpäin yhdistetty vammaisten palvelujen vertailuun....
Data on income support for the six largest cities in 2005-2021. For income support, both clients (households and individuals) and costs are examined. Income support has been included in the comparisons since the...
Kuuden suurimman kaupungin toimeentulotuki vuodesta 2005 alkaen. Toimeentulotuesta tarkastellaan sekä asiakkaita (kotitaloudet ja henkilöt) että kustannuksia. Koska toimeentulotuen tarve ja työttömyys ovat sidoksissa...
Vammaisten palvelujen asiakasmäärät, suoritteet ja kustannukset Suomen kuudessa suurimmassa kaupungissa vuodesta 2004 alkaen. Aineistoon on vuodesta 2017 alkaen yhdistetty kehitysvammahuollon vertailu. Suomen kuuden...
Vanhuspalvelujen sosiaalihuollon ja erikoissairaanhoidon asiakasmäärät, suoritteet ja kustannukset Suomen kuudessa suurimmassa kaupungissa vuodesta 2004 alkaen. Kuuden suurimman kaupungin vanhustenpalvelujen...
The dataset includes the City of Helsinki Social Services’ performance data from 2012-2020. The data is presented on customers, services (visit, contact, day of stay, day of treatment, working day, etc.) and places,...
Population projection for the entire Helsinki and Helsinki region by age (and gender) in three options and the projection for Helsinki by area. In addition, the data includes the projection of residential construction...
The dataset includes the number of pupils and students in Kauniainen basic education and general upper secondary education by school and grade on 20 September according to the situation from 2012 onwards. Kauniainen...
The data includes the income and expenditure of the City of Vantaa according to the financial statements and the utilisation plans of the budgets for the years in question. The dataset includes the utilisation plan...
The data for 2012–2017 contains data by field of study on students in curriculum-based education leading to a vocational upper secondary qualification, students in education preparing for an adult competence-based...
Number of students enrolled in the optional A2 language by school, grade and language, and the number of students enrolled in the optional B2 language by school, grade and language from 2012 onwards. The statistical...
Excel file: Results of the joint application of Finnish- and Swedish-language upper secondary schools in Vantaa in 2011-2022. The dataset includes the number of student places, primarily applicants and selected...
The number of children in early childhood education by age group and type of care from 2002, the days of attendance from 2005 and the number of personnel from 2008 in municipal daycare centres and the costs of the...
An inventory produced by the Helsinki City Museum of the culturally and historically most important staircases in Helsinki. The dataset includes, for example, basic building information, building designer data,...
Building inventories of various scales produced by the Helsinki City Museum in Lauttasaari, Munkkiniemi, Pohjois-Haaga and Laajasalo. The dataset includes, for example, basic building information, building designers,...
The data includes the car ownership data of Helsinki Metropolitan Area for the years 2000, 2002, 2005, 2007, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2017 and 2020. Years 2000-2017 include the data from Helsinki, Espoo and Kauniainen...
The data contains statistics related to the service offerings of Vantaa City Library. The way the statistics are compiled changed in 2018. Therefore, data is split into two different files, which each contain...
The file contains statistics related to loans of various volumes from Vantaa City Library since January 2004 on different tabs. A volume is a piece of material belonging to the library’s collections, such as a single...
The statistics include the number of customers who have physically visited the locations of Vantaa City Library by location and month since January 2007. The visitor data is collected using the counters on the alarm...