City of Vantaa ordered a map survey for residents about cycling in spring 2021. Aim of the survey was to hear resident’s views on the present state of cycle traffic and possible proposals for improvement. The survey...
The climate indicators comprise about 40 key figures that provide a comprehensive overview of the development of the operating environment in the Helsinki metropolitan area, as well as of the amount of climate...
Kaarinan kaupungin ostolaskudata vuodelta 2020 on julkaistu. Kaupungin ostolaskudata sisältää kaupungin palvelualueiden tavaroiden ja palvelujen, investointien, tarvike- ja kalustohankintojen sekä vuokrien... is a joint service of the adult education centres in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area (Helsinki Adult Education Centre, Helsingfors Arbis, Espoo Adult Education Centre, Esbo Arbis and Vantaa Adult Education...
Väestöennuste on rakennettu mallintamaan väestön kehitystä ottaen huomioon edeltävien vuosien väestön, rakennuskannan sekä tulevaisuuden suunitellun asuntorakentamisen. Dataan sisältyy väestöennusteprojektio vuosille...
The guide map of Kauniainen is a dataset with a generalised position accuracy, which is made to give a wide overview of the entire city and to guide the user to a specific address. The optimum operating scale is...
This dataset provides the orthophotographs of Kauniainen. API address: Layers: Kauniaisten ortokartta Kauniaisten ortokartta 2001 Kauniaisten ortokartta 2005...
Buildings in the Helsinki metropolitan area has been published on the basis of data from the regional basic register maintained by HSY for the municipalities Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa and Kauniainen. For Espoo, the...
The confirmed city plan of Kauniainen is a combined map of the local detailed plans in force in the area of the City of Kauniainen. The confirmed city plan shows the planned land use as a combination of the city’s...
The data present car traffic volumes on Espoo's street and road network in spatial format. This is the average weekday (Mon to Fri) traffic volume (KAVL). It also shows the percentage of the daily traffic volume for...
Responses to the City of Vantaa’s residential surveys for 2018 and 2020. The Vantaa residential surveys examined Vantaa residents’ satisfaction with housing, residential areas, accessibility of services and mobility....
In its area of operation, HSY provides for the distribution and sewage drainage of domestic water in accordance with the needs of community development. Within the water supply service area, the property must join the...
Monthly and annual averages of air pollution, concentrations comparable to norms, maximum hour values and data on the temporal representativeness of measurements in Uusimaa.
The dataset includes the voting results of participatory budgeting in Helsinki, compiled into an Excel file and anonymised so that individual participants cannot be identified. Data is available from the votes in...
Turvallisuuskyselyn tulokset täydentävät viranomaisten tietoja ja ne auttavat turvallisuustoimien kohdentamista eri asuinalueilla. Turun kaupunki on toteuttanut turvallisuuskyselyjä joka toinen vuosi. Lisätiedot:...
The data includes the utilization information of outdoor gym devices in Hietaniemi, Paloheinä and Pirkkola (in Helsinki) outdoor gyms from the year 2021. The utilization rate of the devices is measured with separate...
Aineisto sisältää Valkeakosken kaupungin vuoden 2019 tilien 4300 – 4940 ostot eli tiliryhmiin palvelujen, aineiden, tarvikkeiden ja tavaroiden ostot sekä muut toimintakulut kuuluvat ostot. Lisäksi aineisto sisältää...
Carbon Sink Mapping of Helsinki Metropolitan Area. The data contains a report (in Finnish) and a GIS dataset. The GIS dataset shows the carbon storage in both soil and vegetation for each vegetated area.
Vantaa City Museum has made its photographic, artefact and archive material as well as its information on cultural environments available under open licence through the Finna service. There are different layers of...
The data includes information on the locations of intersections with traffic lights and warning light. The data is an interface-format geographic dataset. Through the interface, the dataset is available almost in real...