Contract areas for the maintenance of public areas (streets, parks, natural areas) commissioned by the Helsinki Maintenance Service, including contractors and contract times. The dataset is also known as “contract...
In the data, Helsinki is divided into five different area types, which are guided by Helsinki Design Manual. The area type is a general description of the use of the area. Additional information is available on the...
Valuable environments in the public areas inventoried by the Urban Environment Division the City of Helsinki. These are historically or culturally significant sites or represent the art of urban construction or design...
The Espoo base map, which is the same data that is also used in the up-to-date 3D city model, shows all the important elements of design and construction, such as buildings, transport routes, terrain patterns,...
The data includes the decided resident and business parking zones in the inner city area of Helsinki. The traffic signs must be checked for parking spaces allowing resident parking. The data is available for download...
The data includes the decided tourist traffic stops and parking places in the inner city area. The traffic signs must be checked for permitted parking spaces. The data is available for download in several formats,...
Julkaisussa on mukana Hämeenlinnan kaupungin ulkoiset ostot laskuriveittäin vuodelta 2017 lukuun ottamatta tietosuojan rajoittamia rivejä. Käytännössä tiedostoista on karsittu pois tilit, joita suojaa...
The city plan is a general plan of the organisation of land use and traffic. Helsinki’s new city plan (2016) covers the entire city, with the exception of Östersundom. The city plan is drawn up in Helsinki...
This dataset provides statistics on housing production by type of house, tenure status, financing and room type in Helsinki.
HSL OpenMaaS is an open-for-all ticket sales interface for acquiring HSL mobile tickets. The goal is to have all HSL’s mobile ticket products available via this API. The OpenMaaS API is being continuously developed...
Aineisto sisältää Valkeakosken kaupungin vuoden 2017 tilien 4300 – 4940 ostot eli tiliryhmiin palvelujen, aineiden, tarvikkeiden ja tavaroiden ostot sekä muut toimintakulut kuuluvat ostot. Lisäksi aineisto sisältää...
The 3D urban data model of Espoo covers all types of features included and described in the CityGML standard, with the exception of engineering structures, such as bridges and tunnels. The 3D urban data model of Espoo...
Statistics on the number of cyclists in Helsinki Region in 2013-2018. Data is collected by Helsinki region's municipalities and harmonized by Helsinki Region Transport (HSL). Data attributes and preview in HSL's...
A real-time REST interface that provides information on the parking situation in Helsinki. The interface provides the number of parking spaces currently in operation in the area concerned. The interface gathers...
Helsinki Region Transport’s (HSL) city bicycle stations in the cities of Helsinki and Espoo. Data attributes and preview in HSL's website.
Data on the amount of visitors in every City of Espoo library since 2009.
The dataset includes the official place names of Helsinki, i.e. the names of streets, parks and other public areas confirmed in the detailed plans. The names are in Finnish and Swedish. The names are accompanied by...
Helsingin kaupungin toteuttamassa hankkeessa (6.6.2017 - 1.6.2018) kehitettiin digitaalista tietomallia, jonka avulla kaavatietoa on entistä helpompaa käsitellä. Nykytilassa kaavatiedon louhiminen, jalostaminen ja...
The purpose of the waste management annual statistics report for the Helsinki metropolitan area is to present key statistics describing the volume of waste management operations. These include, for example, waste... offers an open REST API interface that can be used to utilise the information about nature trails from both Helsinki and Tallinn available on the site. The contents of the website are not available in...