Oulun kaupungin ajankohtaisia uutisia, tiedotteita ja tapahtumia rss-muodossa.
Oulun seudun karttapalvelu Karttatiessä mukana olevien kuntien julkiset palvelukohteet. Aineistoa päivitetään tarvittaessa ja se luetaan tiedostoon joka arkiyö.
Aineistoluettelo sisältää PIKI-tietokannassa olevan bibliografisen metadatan. Uusin data on ajalta 7.11.2012. Mukana ovat sekä emotietueet (esim. CD-levy) että osakohteet (esim. CD-levyn kappaleet). Luettelossa on...
Tampereen joukkoliikenne tuottaa Tampereen sisäisen joukkoliikenteen matkustajainformaation. Kaikille avoimien rajapintojen kautta on mahdollista hakea mm. reittejä, linjoja ja aikatauluja. Rajapinta tarjoaa...
Digitraffic is a service operated by Traffic Management Company Fintraffic offering real time information and data about the traffic, weather and driving condition information on the Finnish main roads. More...
Helsinki Metropolitan Area (Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa and Kauniainen) service register REST API. The interface offers possibilities to make queries and use the data in the Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa and Kauniainen Service...
Note! website's old APIs was removed from use starting 1.9.2021. New API will be documented in 2022. Meanwhile, events in Espoo can be queried through Linked Events Espoo API. We are sorry for the...
NOTE: The API is currently not in use due to renewal of the information system. The renewed API is scheduled to be published in 2024. An API to the City of Helsinki digital feedback system. The API allows requesting...
Note (10/2024): Due to updates, the API is currently not operational. In 2012, the City of Helsinki’s construction service Stara introduced an electronic production control system, which produces GPS location...
The service provides an Internet interface for browsing and searching for telephone numbers of the City of Helsinki’s departments and municipal enterprises. The service is based on information extracted...
The Journey Planner) APIs offer data regarding routing, geocoding, map data and vehicle locations through several APIs. Routing API: Itinerary- and timetable-queries via either a GraphQL-API or a REST interface...