Results of the condition measurements of Helsinki's main street network 2018-2022. The condition measurements have been made as so-called service level measurements (PTM), which measure the trails, unevenness and side...
The guide map of the City of Helsinki is a map of the Helsinki area with a generalised documentation technique, produced to assist in positioning and guidance. The guide map is produced from the map data maintained by...
The district division is the official territorial division of the city. The city of Vantaa has 61 districts maintained in the city plan of Vantaa and the property information system. They are confirmed by the city...
The dataset includes the land and water areas of Helsinki as geographic data features in the form of areas. Bridges and small piers have been removed from the land areas and added to the water mask. Large piers are...
Traffic data from Helsinki contains data about motor traffic: traffic volume, speed, amounts of different types of vehicles). The data consists of three different datasets in variable formats (CSV, gis-APIs: WFS and...
Planned Jokeri Light Rail line and stops from Itäkeskus in Helsinki to Keilaniemi in Espoo. Jokeri Light Rail is a light rail line planned to run between Itäkeskus and Keilaniemi. The geographic dataset shows the...
Turun ja Kaarinan äänestysalueet. Julkaistut tasot: WFS-rajapinta: GIS:Aanestysalueet WFS-rajapinta: Opaskartta_aanestysalueet OGC API -rajapinta: Äänestysalueet Lisätiedot: Avoimet paikkatietorajapinnat
The Helsinki districts dataset includes the boundary lines of the city districts, as well as the names and identifiers of the areas. The initial data for the maintenance of the city district dataset is the base map...
Kiertotaloutta palvelevan jätteenkäsittelyalueen vaihemaakuntakaava (Lahden seudun kierrätyspuisto) sai lainvoiman 8.6.2023. Maakuntavaltuusto hyväksyi vaihemaakuntakaavan 28.1.2021. Hyväksymispäätöksestä jätettiin...
The data contains the photovoltaic production potential calculated per building, provided that the entire area suitable for solar panels is covered with solar panels. When calculating the annual electricity production...
The building prohibitions dataset is a thematic map compiled by the City Survey Services of the City of Helsinki’s Urban Environment Division on the city’s existing building prohibition areas. An area or property may...
Vantaa's control points on a map. The material can be viewed on the city of Vantaa map service: You can find the level in the map service by searching for 'Benchmarks', or by clicking here. API address: WMS:...
The aim of the dataset is to identify potential new locations for services and operations along the Helsinki shore route. The data has been collected through an internal map survey at the City of Helsinki Urban...
A component master plan supplements or amends the master plan for the entire municipality. The master plan is a general plan of the organisation of land use and traffic that covers the whole city. The master plan...
The Plan units of the city of Helsinki dataset contains information on the plan units of the current detailed plans. The plan unit is the smallest unit dedicated for a particular purpose in the detailed plan. It...
The dataset includes the water channels of Helsinki, i.e. rivers, streams, ditches, riverbeds and the pipelined sections of the biggest channels. The structure of the data follows the data model of the HSY...
The detailed plans index map (detailed plans situation map) of Helsinki is a combined map of the city’s valid detailed plans. The index map describes the boundaries, numbers and dates of the detailed plans. The...
The parking places in Helsinki have been digitised mainly for the area of the city centre and resident parking zones. The dataset includes, for example, data on the type of parking, any validity period, fee...
City of Vantaa light traffic route centre lines, including not only pedestrian and cycle paths, but also fitness tracks and outdoor trails. The material can be viewed on the city of Vantaa map service: You can find...
In the soil map, the soil is mapped to a depth of about one metre. The soil map does not provide information on soil layers deeper than this. The soil mapping was carried out at a scale of 1:2 000 or 1:10 000, so the...