The Helsinki plan maps are a collection of the city of Helsinki’s valid and overturned detailed plans. The detailed plans and changes to the detailed plans create the conditions for construction. The detailed plan...
Asemakaava on yleiskaavaan pohjautuva yksityiskohtainen alueidenkäytön suunnitelma, joka luo edellytykset rakennusten, katujen ja yleisten alueiden rakentamiselle. Oulun kaupungin ajantasa-asemakaava koostuu...
The Espoo base map, which is the same data that is also used in the up-to-date 3D city model, shows all the important elements of design and construction, such as buildings, transport routes, terrain patterns,...
The cadastral map of Helsinki is a general terrain map showing the property codes and boundaries in the administrative area of the City of Helsinki. The cadastral map also shows the boundaries and codes of plot...
The base map of Helsinki is a large-scale (1:500) map maintained by the Urban Environment Division’s City Survey Services and used as a basis for city planning and civil engineering. The base map serves as a map...
Old detailed plans of Helsinki. The detailed plan maps for years 1820, 1838 and 1878 can be downloaded as TIFF-files. The guidemaps for all years can be found through WMS API. Previewing the data in the
Oulun kaupungin ympäristöohjelman mittarit. Mittaristo on uusiutunut vuonna 2019 ja uuden mittariston mukaisia seurantalukuja päivitetään Oulun kaupungin ympäristöohjelman mittarit Excel-tiedoston tauluihin. Vuoteen...
The confirmed town plan of Espoo includes the valid plan symbol at each location. However, the exact meanings of the plan symbols vary between town plans. Therefore, the reader of the confirmed town plan must find out...
This dataset provides the plan maps of the City of Espoo. The weekly updated Index Map of detail plans in a simple format that can be opened with several GIS programs. In addition, an Index Map is provided of detail...
The weekly updated land-use map describes the land use according to the detail plans. The map is colored. The graphic layer is suitable for presentation in scales 1:1000 to 1:4000. Coordinate systems: Maintained in...
A general plan guides the urban structure, land use and transport network of a city. It sets aside areas for housing, jobs, transport, nature conservation and recreation. Typical issues to be addressed in the general...
The detailed plans index map (detailed plans situation map) of Helsinki is a combined map of the city’s valid detailed plans. The index map describes the boundaries, numbers and dates of the detailed plans. The...
The city plan of Vantaa is a combined map of the legally valid detailed plans in the area of Vantaa. The city plan shows the planned land use as a combination of the entire city’s existing detailed plans. The base map...
The material describes the heat loss from the roofs of Helsinki. Thermal radiation detected on the roofs of buildings is presented in 30 cm pixels. The roofs of Helsinki were photographed using a thermographic camera...
The detailed plan map of Helsinki is a combined map of the legally valid detailed plans in the area of Helsinki. The dataset includes both detailed plans and underground detailed plans. The detailed plan map contains...
Vantaa's guide maps from different years are available through the WMS interface. In addition, the maps can be viewed in the Vantaa Map Service. The tourist map is a guide map to getting around the area of Vantaa. It...
Pyhäjoen kunnan ja Raahen kaupungin alueille sijoittuvalle Hanhikiven niemelle laadittu maakuntakaava on maankäyttö- ja rakennuslain mukainen juridinen kaava, jonka on laatinut Pohjois-Pohjanmaan liitto ja sen on...
Pohjois-Savon liitto, Pohjois-Savon maakuntakaava 2030, suunnittelija Mikko Rummukainen, 044 714 2655, Mittakaava: 1:200 000 ja Kuopion seudun maakuntakaavan muutosten osalta 1:100...
Sisältää Pohjois-Karjalan vahvistettujen maakuntakaavojen kaavavaraukset. Pohjois-Karjalan maakuntakaava (1. vaihe) on vahvistettu / julkaistu 20.12.2007, maakuntakaavan täydennys (2. vaihe) on vahvistettu / julkaistu...
The City of Helsinki Urban Environment Division manages the city’s public areas and gives the necessary landowner’s consent for the land use of public areas (e.g. construction, installation of structures, events,...