The Sinetti archive information system operated by the City of Helsinki Archives provides collection data from archived documents of the City of Helsinki. The document collections mostly comprise permanently retained,...
The dataset depicts the first World War-era fortifications, as well as some details of the fortifications. The data is based on a survey commissioned by the Public Works Department of the City of Helsinki in 1996 of...
This dataset provides the orthophotographs of Helsinki in GIS API from 1932 to present day. Additionally, photos from 1988, 1976, 1969, 1964, 1950, 1943 and 1932 are provided as image files. The Helsinki area is...
Historical guide maps of Helsinki from 1940, 1952, 1962 and 1999. The guide maps include the following Information: place names, streets, roads and railway connections, public buildings, residential areas, industrial...
Koulurekisteri is the school history database operated by the Helsinki City Archives. It is the most comprehensive listing available of the history of all schools in the City of Helsinki area, starting from the...
The Helsinki Art Museum’s exhibitions from 1976 onwards and Kluuvi Gallery’s exhibitions from 1968 onwards have been compiled into a list. The list includes the names, times and venues of the exhibitions. The list...
Photographer Signe Brander (1869-1942) is known for her photographs of the changing city of Helsinki. In early 20th century, she photographed a number of panoramas consisting of several photographs each. Originally...
Old detailed plans of Helsinki. The detailed plan maps for years 1820, 1838 and 1878 can be downloaded as TIFF-files. The guidemaps for all years can be found through WMS API. Previewing the data in the
Vanhoja yleiskaavakarttoja Helsingistä. Vuosien 1992, 1960, ja 1932 ja 1923 yleiskaavakartat ovat WMS-rajapintapalvelun kautta. Aineistojen esikatselu -palvelussa: Kaikki historialliset yleiskaavakartat...
Helsinki City Museum has made more than 48,000 of its materials available under open licence through the Finna service, which contains material-specific descriptions. In Finna, you can find, for example, all 906...
Helsingin historialliset tilastot on kokoelma Helsingin kaupungin historiaa kuvaavia tilastotietoja väestöstä, asuntokunnista, asumisesta, työelämästä ja koulutuksesta. Tilastojen aikasarjat vaihtelevat alkaen...
This dataset provides data on the population of Helsinki 1.1.1875-1993 and at the turn of the year 1993/94-2013/14. Please refer to the Finnish metadata for a complete description of this dataset.
Number of loans at the City of Helsinki library since 1860 as well as the population figures at the same time. The data is partially incomplete in the earlier part of the time series. Attributes vuosi (year) lainaus...
An inventory produced by the Helsinki City Museum of the culturally and historically most important staircases in Helsinki. The dataset includes, for example, basic building information, building designer data,...
Building inventories of various scales produced by the Helsinki City Museum in Lauttasaari, Munkkiniemi, Pohjois-Haaga and Laajasalo. The dataset includes, for example, basic building information, building designers,...
Concerts performed and organised by Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra (HPO) and the works performed since 1882. The dataset is updated twice a year. In connection with the update, changes and additions to the historical...
Map of the City of Helsinki from 1925. The map shows the city districts and quarters, public buildings, built and non-built areas, parks and plantings. The railway and the city’s 12 tram lines can also be seen on the...
A bilingual map of the City of Helsinki from 1917–18. The map shows the districts, quarters, factory quarters and address numbers, as well as railways, tram lines and ship routes. In addition, the map shows the...
The unimplemented plan for the Munkkiniemi community and Haaga kauppala from 1929. The map shows the plots sold and rented, as well as the built and non-built plots. The map scale is 1:8000 and the image resolution...
Detailed plan map of the Kulosaari villa town from 1917. The new plan shown on the map shows the proposed connections to the mainland, i.e. bridges over Vanhankaupunginselkä and Kulosaarensalmi. The street network has...