This dataset provides statistics on buildings in Uusimaa by purpose of use, heating method, heating material and floor area as of 31.12.2010.
Data on buildings in Vantaa by intended use, type of dwelling and district. The data is from the beginning of the year (1 January). The dataset is based on the register data of Vantaa’s Building Control Department....
This dataset is updated annually. It provides time series of the most important statistics and phenomenons in Vantaa and its districts.
This dataset provides statistics on the number of households in the Helsinki region by number of dwellers and type of building.
Statistics on dwellings in Uusimaa by type of building and year of completion 31.12.2010-.
Dwellings in Uusimaa by type of building, tenure status and occupancy status 31.12.2003-.
This dataset provides information on Vantaa: dwelling stock by type of house, tenure status, financing model and dwelling type 2000-
This dataset provides statistics on the dwellings in Vantaa by type of building and year of completion 2011-.
This dataset provides statistics on the dwellings in Vantaa by building type and tenure status 2002-.