The data present car traffic volumes on Espoo's street and road network in spatial format. This is the average weekday (Mon to Fri) traffic volume (KAVL). It also shows the percentage of the daily traffic volume for...
City bike stations’ Origin-Destination (OD) data includes all trips made with city bikes of Helsinki and Espoo. The data includes information about trip’s origin and destination stations, start and end times, distance...
City bicycle stations' locations in the City of Vantaa. Data attributes and preview in HSL's website.
Helsinki Region Transport’s (HSL) city bicycle stations in the cities of Helsinki and Espoo. Data attributes and preview in HSL's website.
The Statistical Yearbook provides a varied, statistics-based description of Helsinki and its residents. Many of the tables also present comparative data from the rest of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area, the Helsinki...
The prioritised winter maintenance network for pedestrians and cyclists in Helsinki includes routes where sweeping and salting and intensified maintenance are used in winter 2016–2017. The data assists in the route...
The dataset contains information on the number of cyclists and pedestrians in Espoo. The data is available in two different formats: in CSV tables (Number of cyclists and locations of bicycle counting places) and on...
The data includes annual data on the number of parking fines by street name in Vantaa. From 2022 onwards, the data contains a breakdown of the amount of fines, due to which the statistics for 2015-2021 will be shown...
The data contains information on usage-based greenhouse gas emissions in the Helsinki metropolitan area and separately in the cities of the Helsinki metropolitan area by sector (district heating, oil heating, electric...
The dataset contains information on energy consumption in the Helsinki metropolitan area and separately in the cities of the Helsinki metropolitan area by sector (district heating, oil heating, electric heating,...
Traffic data from Helsinki contains data about motor traffic: traffic volume, speed, amounts of different types of vehicles). The data consists of three different datasets in variable formats (CSV, gis-APIs: WFS and...
The locations, severity levels and types of accidents that have occurred in Helsinki since 2000. The City of Helsinki Urban Environment Division/Traffic and Street Planning maintains a traffic accident register...
Helsinki Environmental Statistics is an online statistics service collecting the essential variables describing the state of the environment and burdens on the environment in Helsinki. As a rule, the data of the...