This dataset is associated with the dynamic report titled School transport subsidy: Number of recipients and subsidies paid out, which is part of the Kelasto statistical database. The dataset includes data on...
This dataset is associated with the dynamic report titled Financial aid for students: Number of recipients and financial aid paid out, which is part of the Kelasto statistical database. The dataset contains data on...
This dataset provides statistics on the population of Espoo by primary occupation, gender and age 31.12.2000-.
This dataset provides statistics on the population of Helsinki by primary occupation, gender and age 31.12.2000-.
This dataset provides statistics on the population of Vantaa by primary occupation, gender and age 31.12.2000-.
Väistötiloissa opiskelevat peruskoululaiset syyslukukaudella 2018. Tieto kerätty tietopyyntönä kunnille Yleisradion toimesta. Näitä asioita kysyttiin: Kuinka monta peruskoulun oppilasta kunnassanne on kaikkiaan...
Opiskelijaterveydenhuollon käynnit terveydenhoitajalla sekä lääkärillä, sisältäen sairaanhoidolliset käynnit.
The data for 2012–2017 contains data by field of study on students in curriculum-based education leading to a vocational upper secondary qualification, students in education preparing for an adult competence-based...
Women and Men in Helsinki is a publication which provides statistical data on women and men as well as their living conditions in Helsinki via tables and graphs. Some tables include comparisons with municipalities...
This dataset provides statistics on the population of the Helsinki region by primary occupation, age, gender and native language.