Panoramic photos of Helsinki in the early 1900s by Signe Brander

Photographer Signe Brander (1869-1942) is known for her photographs of the changing city of Helsinki. In early 20th century, she photographed a number of panoramas consisting of several photographs each. Originally these photographs were looked side by side, but now the individual images have been seamlessly merged together.

Included are panoramic photographs named with Helsinki City museums archive numbers of the individual images and a name of the street or place. Also included are images of the original map snippets showing locations for photographs. Maps are named with archive numbers matching numbers of the photographs. All files are organized in folders named by city district or similar place name.

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Collection Open Data
Maintainer Helsingin kulttuurin ja vapaa-ajan toimiala
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Last modified 13.09.2022
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Created on 18.04.2017