Ajoneuvojen avoin data

Open data for vehicles

Open data for vehicles contains registration, approval and technical information for all vehicles in traffic use from the register maintained by Traficom. • This data set contains a total of 5 210 697 rows • Material date 31.3.2024 • Publication date 2.5.2024 • File format: ZIP-packed CSV (text, coding ISO8859-1) • File size: 914 MB (202 MB when packed) • The material been licensed under the Creative Commons Nimeä 4.0 International license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed.en


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Additional information

Format CSV
File size 215393840
Temporal Coverage -
Data last updated 5 January 2022
Metadata last updated 13 May 2024
Created 5 January 2022
SHA256 -