Kysy kirjastonhoitajalta

Data matrix for training XMTC machine learning models (TF-IDF) with Voikko lemmatisation

Data matrix for training XMTC machine learning models (TF-IDF) with Voikko lemmatisation. Textual data follows the Bag-of-Words feature file format of The Extreme Classification Repositoryn (

The first line is formatted as:

total_documents number_of_features number_of_labels

All other lines represent one document per line:

label1,label2,...,labelk ft1:ft1_val ft2:ft2_val ft3:ft3_val .. ftd:ftd_val

i.e, comma-separated list of labels followed by all non-zero components of the TF-IDF vector given as component_number:value.


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Additional information

Format TXT
File size 5125243
Data status Current version
Temporal Coverage -
Data last updated 24 February 2021
Metadata last updated 24 February 2021
Created 24 February 2021
SHA256 deae8c8d3e41364f051dbe9ffae908b8f1883b855f971661907fc3392bcbbaac