Helsinki 2050 -kyselyn vastaukset

2 KML files

From the dataset abstract

The dataset includes the answers to the Helsinki 2050 survey related to the preparation of the Helsinki Master Plan. The dataset was collected between 4 November and 9 December 2013. A total of 4,671 respondents replied to the survey, and a total of 32,989 locations were identified.

The dataset contains two files: one containing the positioning with attributes and the other the answers to the user-specific questions. Both files have a user_id in each line, through which the positioning can be combined with user-specific questions.

Source: Helsinki 2050 -kyselyn vastaukset


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Additional information

Format KML
File size 26212000
Coordinate system WGS84
Temporal Coverage -
Data last updated 13 March 2014
Metadata last updated 19 June 2023
Created 13 March 2014
SHA256 -