Kansallisgallerian kokoelma-aineistot

Nationalgalleriets samlingsdata

The National Gallery's collection consists of works of art, objects and archival materials. As open data, we offer information on more than 78,000 works of art and objects, as well as images of more than 25,000 works of art, more than 1,000 letters, and some 1,000 photographs. The data and images are available in a machine-readable format. The Finnish Art Society started compiling the collection in 1849, and the collection is still growing. The collection includes old European art from the 14th century, Finnish art from the 18th century as well as Finnish and foreign contemporary art. The archival materials contain information about the history of Finnish visual arts. The entire collection of the National Gallery, including images of works of art subject to copyright, can be found on the National Gallery's collection pages: https://www.kansallisgalleria.fi/en/search.

The data set is constantly updated when the collection data is updated. More detailed description at: https://www.kansallisgalleria.fi/api/swagger.


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Additional information

Format JSON
Data status Current version
Temporal Coverage -
Data last updated 13 June 2024
Metadata last updated 13 June 2024
Created 13 June 2024
SHA256 -