Lastenhoidon tukien saajat ja maksetut tuet


From the dataset abstract

This dataset is associated with the dynamic report titled Child care allowances: Number of recipients and allowances paid out, which is part of the Kelasto statistical database. Monthly data are available since 2018 and annual data since 2007.

Child care allowances are paid in the form of the child home care allowance, the private day care allowance, the partial care allowance and the flexible care allowance. The child care allowances are funded by the municipalities. The child home care allowance and the private day care allowance consist of a basic amount and a care supplement, the amount of which is affected by family size and income. Some municipalities have an agreement with Kela concerning the payment of a municipal supplement.

The dataset contains information on the number of persons who have received child care allowances, on the number of children and on the amounts of benefits paid. The information is broken down by recipients? gender, age and municipality of residence as well as by benefit. It is also possible to see statistics per municipality paying the benefit instead of per municipality of residence.

Child home care allowance is available to parents of a child under 3 who does not have a place in municipal early childhood education. Private day care allowance can be granted for a child under school age who is looked after by a private provider of early childhood education or by a caregiver that the family has hired. Partial care allowance is paid to parents who have reduced their working hours due to caring for a child in the first or second year of school. Flexible care allowance has been available since 2014, when parents employed on a part-time basis became entitled to it for children under the age of 3. Before that, parents could get partial care allowance for children under the age of 3.

Source: Lastenhoidon tukien saajat ja maksetut tuet



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Format CSV
File size 149966626
Temporal Coverage -
Data last updated 1 October 2024
Metadata last updated 17 March 2025
Created 1 October 2024
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