Väestötietojärjestelmän suomalaisten nimiaineistot

Sukunimitilasto 2024-08-05

From the dataset abstract

The Population Information System has been extracted from the names and surnames of names and surnames in the Population Information System. For privacy reasons, the underlings of less than 5 and the family names of less than 20 are not included in the lists.

Source: Väestötietojärjestelmän suomalaisten nimiaineistot



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Additional information

Format XLSX
File size 438658
Temporal Coverage 05.08.2024 -
Data last updated 5 August 2024
Metadata last updated 5 August 2024
Created 6 February 2020
SHA256 da2f43e34225ea1fc3dad6c35237d6187b4316ae575c741636b531b26793ef0c