Pääkaupunkiseudun rakennustietoruudukko

Building information grid of the Helsinki metropolitan area 2013

From the dataset abstract

The building information grid contains grid-based data on the number, floor area and purpose of use of buildings as well as area density in the Helsinki metropolitan area.

Data is available from 1997–2003 and from 2008 onwards. Grid cells with fewer than five buildings have been omitted from the 1997–2017 data for privacy reasons. As of the 2018 building information grid, the data also includes grid cells with 1–4 buildings. (The numerical value 4 in the columns Raklkm_as ja Raklkm_muu means that their number is fewer than 5, but there are more than 5 buildings in total.) The grid size is 250m x 250m, and the grid size of data published before 2013 is 500m x 500m. The data content and variable data are described in more detail on the data description form (in finnish).

Buildings that for one reason or another could not be tied to any location have been combined in a grid cell located at bottom right (Gulf of Finland) in the data.

Attribute data

  • INDEX = Unique identifier of the grid cells
  • RAKLM = Number of buildings. The data also includes column Raklkm_as to reflect the number of residential buildings and and Raklkm_muu to reflect the number of buildings used for other purposes.
  • KERALA = Total floor area of buildings by grid cell (floor area in square metres, floor m²)
  • KATAKER = Main purpose of use of the building, determined by what most of the building’s floor area is used for.
  • SUMMA = Use-specific floor area sum by grid cell. Reported for the three largest categories of purpose of use.
  • ALUETEHOK = Area density. Amount of built floor area in relation to land area (unit m²). More detailed data descriptions here.

The data are available in .shp and .tab format.

Source: Pääkaupunkiseudun rakennustietoruudukko


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Additional information

Format TAB
Coordinate system ETRS-GK25
Temporal Coverage -
Data last updated 26 May 2020
Metadata last updated 18 September 2024
Created 26 May 2020
SHA256 -