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Artificial Intelligence and Predictive Health Monitoring of Buildings

In the year 2018 University of Jyväskylä took part in a government project called KIRA-digi 2018, which was designed to hasten the acceptance of new digital technologies in the construction and real estate industry. As a result of one of the subprojects this report (in finnish and in PDF -format) was written. In this report usage of Artificial Intelligence was studied in the field of predictive health monitoring of buildings. When renovation expenses will increase the best solution to maintaining of current state of buildings might be to predict the quality, size and occurrences of damage as well as timely preventative actions. The number of intelligent buildings is on the rise. This means Artificial Intelligence is more and more needed to deal with the ever increasing Big Data. This report was part of the KIRA-digi 2018 -project, which was a top project of the Finnish government.


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Format PDF
Data status Archived version
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Data last updated 10 May 2019
Metadata last updated 10 May 2019
Created 10 May 2019
SHA256 -