Vantaan ajantasa-asemakaava


From the dataset abstract

The city plan of Vantaa is a combined map of the legally valid detailed plans in the area of Vantaa. The city plan shows the planned land use as a combination of the entire city’s existing detailed plans. The base map is not presented in the city plan, and it is intended to depict the area of a couple of blocks at a time. The data also includes underground detailed plans.

The symbols in the city plan are mostly in line with the symbols in accordance with the decree of the Ministry of the Environment.

Coordinate systems:

  • Maintained in ETRS-GK25 (EPSG:3879)
  • Elevation system is N43 and N2000

API address:


  • kaava:asemakaava_mv
  • kaava:asemakaava_varipinta
  • kaava:asemakaavahakemisto

Example of GetMap-query

Source: Vantaan ajantasa-asemakaava



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Additional information

Format WMS
Coordinate system ETRS-GK25 (EPSG:3879)
Temporal Coverage -
Data last updated 5 February 2016
Metadata last updated 15 February 2024
Created 5 February 2016
SHA256 -