Old maps of Helsinki. Some of the maps are available in file format only, some are also available via a WMS interface. Map of Helsinge Parish 1749 Historical map from 1749 ((Geographisk charta öfver Helsinge sokn, uti...
Results of the condition measurements of Helsinki's main street network 2018-2022. The condition measurements have been made as so-called service level measurements (PTM), which measure the trails, unevenness and side...
Elevation model of the City of Helsinki. The resolution is 50 cm / pixel. Previewing the data in the kartta.hel.fi service: Elevation model (2021) Coordinate systems: Maintained in ETRS-GK25 (EPSG:3879). Can be...
Available Plots for Business of the City of Helsinki. The address of the WFS is: https://kartta.hel.fi/ws/geoserver/avoindata/wfs. Data can be found in layer Vapaat_yritystontit. The address of the WMS is:...
The dataset includes the water channels of Helsinki, i.e. rivers, streams, ditches, riverbeds and the pipelined sections of the biggest channels. The structure of the data follows the data model of the HSY...
The prospective green and recreational network VISTRA includes the constituent parts of the Helsinki green and recreational network. These include the green fingers, the maritime blue palm, the green lines, the...
The data includes information on the locations of intersections with traffic lights and warning light. The data is an interface-format geographic dataset. Through the interface, the dataset is available almost in real...
The dataset depicts the first World War-era fortifications, as well as some details of the fortifications. The data is based on a survey commissioned by the Public Works Department of the City of Helsinki in 1996 of...
Responses to the Helsinki traffic safety survey 2020. The survey was aimed at the residents of Helsinki and was open from 1 to 27 September 2020. The survey was conducted using a map survey tool. It asked, among...
This dataset provides the orthophotographs of Helsinki in GIS API from 1932 to present day. Additionally, photos from 1988, 1976, 1969, 1964, 1950, 1943 and 1932 are provided as image files. The Helsinki area is...
The dataset includes the land and water areas of Helsinki as geographic data features in the form of areas. Bridges and small piers have been removed from the land areas and added to the water mask. Large piers are...
The Helsinki hillshading image, or shaded relief image, is a raster data that visualises elevation variations in the terrain. The dataset was produced from the 2017 “ground point” laser scanning data. The data...
The Quarters of Helsinki dataset has been formed from the plan units maintained by the City Survey Services, the status of which is “Valid”, as well as the attributes of the municipal register. Quarters are formed by...
The Plan units of the city of Helsinki dataset contains information on the plan units of the current detailed plans. The plan unit is the smallest unit dedicated for a particular purpose in the detailed plan. It...
The aim of the dataset is to identify potential new locations for services and operations along the Helsinki shore route. The data has been collected through an internal map survey at the City of Helsinki Urban...
The landscape culture map shows the most important cultural sites, parks, gardens and landscapes in Helsinki. The starting point was the cultural environment studies carried out in connection with the 2002 Master...
The Helsinki plan maps are a collection of the city of Helsinki’s valid and overturned detailed plans. The detailed plans and changes to the detailed plans create the conditions for construction. The detailed plan...
Buildings and areas protected by detailed plans in Helsinki. The coordinate system of the dataset is ETRS-GK25. The data can be downloaded in GML, KML, Excel, DWG, DXF, GeoPackage, MapInfo (TAB & MIF) and Esri...
Datasets produced by the Finnish Meteorological Institute on the safe construction height and the maximum estimated significant wave height in the Helsinki area. The data is available for download in several formats,...
Contract areas for the maintenance of public areas (streets, parks, natural areas) commissioned by the Helsinki Maintenance Service, including contractors and contract times. The dataset is also known as “contract...