This analysis has the simulation results of the microclimate of one block in Punavuori, Helsinki. An urban microclimate is the climate of any urban area that is different to its surrounding area. An urban heat island...
The Statistical Yearbook provides a varied, statistics-based description of Helsinki and its residents. Many of the tables also present comparative data from the rest of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area, the Helsinki...
There are two next generation 3D city models of Helsinki available: a semantic city information model and a visually high-quality reality mesh model. You can view the 3D city model and download its information at...
Helsingin historialliset tilastot on kokoelma Helsingin kaupungin historiaa kuvaavia tilastotietoja väestöstä, asuntokunnista, asumisesta, työelämästä ja koulutuksesta. Tilastojen aikasarjat vaihtelevat alkaen...
The Service Map developed by the City of Helsinki shows the locations and services offered by the cities of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area, as well as Vantaa and Kerava and Western Uusimaa Wellbeing areas. The map...