Guide map of the City of Helsinki 1900. Described in the map: nomenclature, streets, tramways and railways, public buildings, blocks and lots. In addition, the map shows some attractions and public services, as well...
The geoenergy map portrays the suitability of soil and bedrock for geoenergy production. The map is based on soil maps of the City of Espoo, soil and bedrock data of the Geological Survey of Finland, map data of the...
The building information grid contains grid-based data on the number, floor area and purpose of use of buildings as well as area density in the Helsinki metropolitan area. Data is available from 1997–2003 and from...
The population grid contains grid-based data on the population total, age distribution and occupancy rate of the Helsinki metropolitan area. The material covers the years 1997–2003 and 2008–. Attribute data...
The regional map is general map dataset compiled from the data of the 14 municipalities in the Helsinki region. The map is divided into sections describing land use (built-up area, undeveloped area, industrial area,...
The electoral districts of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area is an map published by the cities of Helsinki, Espoo, Kauniainen and Vantaa, describing the voting districts approved by the central election committees, the...