City of Vantaa ordered a map survey for residents about cycling in spring 2021. Aim of the survey was to hear resident’s views on the present state of cycle traffic and possible proposals for improvement. The survey...
Responses to the Helsinki traffic safety survey 2020. The survey was aimed at the residents of Helsinki and was open from 1 to 27 September 2020. The survey was conducted using a map survey tool. It asked, among...
Centrelines of the Vantaa roadways and driving lanes as a hybrid model. The dataset covers the entire Vantaa to the airport gates, as well as a few routes going through neighbouring municipalities. Driving lanes cover...
Aineisto sisältää Turun kaupungin liikennemerkit ja niiden koordinaatit kattaen asemakaavoitetun alueen katuverkkoa noin 630 km. Sijainnin mittatarkkuudeksi on arvioitu alle 10 cm. Liikenteessä tulee aina noudattaa...
The dataset includes the parking areas for heavy vehicles in Vantaa. The total number of parking spaces for heavy vehicles is approximately 300. As a rule, parking areas for heavy traffic are located in public parking...
Helsinki Region Transport's (HSL) public transport stations. Data attributes and preview in HSL's website.
Helsinki Region Transport's (HSL) public transport knots. Data attributes and preview in HSL's website.
Helsinki Region Transport's (HSL) public transport lines 2021-2022. Data attributes and preview in HSL's website.
The weekday averages of passenger boardings at HSL’s stops and stations in November 2016. The number of passenger boardings per stop is the average of the weekdays (Mon–Fri) in November. The number of passenger...
Helsinki Region Transport's (HSL) sales points. Sales points can be ticket vending machines, service points, stores or shops. Data attributes and preview in HSL's website.
Helsinki Region Transport's (HSL) shift frequencies for buses and trams between stops. Data attributes and preview in HSL's website.
Helsinki Region Transport tariff zones that came into force 2019. Data attributes and preview in HSL's website.
Helsinki Region Transport's (HSL) terminals 2021-2022. Data attributes and preview in HSL's website.
Helsinki Region Transport's (HSL) stations by line 2021-2022. Data attributes and preview in HSL's website.
The accessibility zones of the Helsinki region's train and metro stations indicate the distance between the stations as the crow flies and a network of light traffic. The circle buffers tell the distance of the...
Influence areas of train and metro stations in the Helsinki region along the light traffic road network. Influence area refers to the area surrounding a station from which there is a shorter distance along the road...
Accessibility in terms of travel time to train and metro stations in the Helsinki metropolitan area by walking and cycling along light traffic routes. Accessibility zones have been calculated for time spans of 5, 10...
Aineistosta löytyvät Tampereen keskusta-alueen ja Kaupin Kuntokadun alueen yleisillä katu- ja pysäköintialueilla olevat maksulliset pysäköintipaikat. Lisäksi aineistosta löytyy mm. keskusta-alueella olevat asukas- ja...
The data includes traffic noise zones in the Helsinki metropolitan area (Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa and Kauniainen). The dataset contains a breakdown of road and rail traffic noise zones, as well as day and night times....