HSL OpenMaaS is an open-for-all ticket sales interface for acquiring HSL mobile tickets. The goal is to have all HSL’s mobile ticket products available via this API. The OpenMaaS API is being continuously developed...
The 3D urban data model of Espoo covers all types of features included and described in the CityGML standard, with the exception of engineering structures, such as bridges and tunnels. The 3D urban data model of Espoo...
Statistics on the number of cyclists in Helsinki Region in 2013-2018. Data is collected by Helsinki region's municipalities and harmonized by Helsinki Region Transport (HSL). Data attributes and preview in HSL's...
A real-time REST interface that provides information on the parking situation in Helsinki. The interface provides the number of parking spaces currently in operation in the area concerned. The interface gathers...
Helsinki Region Transport’s (HSL) city bicycle stations in the cities of Helsinki and Espoo. Data attributes and preview in HSL's website.
Citynature.eu offers an open REST API interface that can be used to utilise the information about nature trails from both Helsinki and Tallinn available on the site. The contents of the website are not available in...
The surveys have collected information from residents on how the city’s services are perceived to be accessible in different parts of the city and how the accessibility of services could be improved, for example, by...
Centrelines of the Vantaa roadways and driving lanes as a hybrid model. The dataset covers the entire Vantaa to the airport gates, as well as a few routes going through neighbouring municipalities. Driving lanes cover...
The Statistical Yearbook provides a varied, statistics-based description of Helsinki and its residents. Many of the tables also present comparative data from the rest of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area, the Helsinki...
The open data material for a register on railway rolling stock maintained by Traficom contains registration and technical details for rolling stock registered for the Finnish railway network.
Open data of aircraft material contains registration, approval and technical details of all aircraft in the Finnish Aircraft Register.
The body of the open vehicle data covers details on vehicle registration, approval and also on technical data for all vehicles in road traffic, extracted from the traffic register maintained by Traficom.
Aineisto sisältää Turun kaupungin liikennemerkit ja niiden koordinaatit kattaen asemakaavoitetun alueen katuverkkoa noin 630 km. Sijainnin mittatarkkuudeksi on arvioitu alle 10 cm. Liikenteessä tulee aina noudattaa...
Oulun seudun liikenteen (OSL) tuottama paikallisen bussiliikenteen aikataulu ja reittiaineisto on vapaasti käytettävässä GTFS-formaatissa sekä staattisena että reaaliaikaisena. GTFS (The General Transit Feed...
The City of Helsinki's noise report, which complies with the EU's Environmental Noise Directive (END), examines the environmental noise caused by road and rail traffic in the Helsinki area. The noise report has been...
The open REST interface provides information in JSON format on slip warnings given to pedestrians. In addition to Helsinki, the interface also provides information on warnings from Oulu, Jyväskylä, Lahti and Kuopio....
Avoimen REST-rajapinnan kautta saa JSON-muodossa tiedon jalankulkijoille annetuista liukkausvaroituksista. Rajapinnasta saa Oulun lisäksi tiedot myös Helsingin, Jyväskylän, Lahden ja Kuopion varoituksista. Tiedot...
The dataset includes residents’ views on the future of the City of Vantaa. The data was compiled through an online survey in spring 2017. The survey data covers residents’ wishes for the future and their views on the...
Aineisto on voimassa olevien pysäkki- ja aikataulujen mukainen. txt-muotoinen aineisto on zip-paketissa (GTFS).
Tiedot radiotaajuuksien käytöstä eri radioliikennelajeille (taajuusalue, käyttötarkoitus, tekniset tiedot ja muut ehdot). Aineisto on ajantasainen, ja se päivitetään määräysten muuttuessa noin 1-2 kertaa vuodessa.