Helsinki Region Transport's (HSL) stations by line 2021-2022. Data attributes and preview in HSL's website.
NOTE! The data has been removed from this metadata and is nowadays available via FTIA's service for data downloads: Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency...
The dataset contains information on the number of cyclists and pedestrians in Espoo. The data is available in two different formats: in CSV tables (Number of cyclists and locations of bicycle counting places) and on...
The accessibility zones of the Helsinki region's train and metro stations indicate the distance between the stations as the crow flies and a network of light traffic. The circle buffers tell the distance of the...
Influence areas of train and metro stations in the Helsinki region along the light traffic road network. Influence area refers to the area surrounding a station from which there is a shorter distance along the road...
Accessibility in terms of travel time to train and metro stations in the Helsinki metropolitan area by walking and cycling along light traffic routes. Accessibility zones have been calculated for time spans of 5, 10...
Plans concerning bicycle lanes in Helsinki in 2025. The data consists of three plans: the Baana network 2025, the city centre bicycle network 2025 and the target network for bicycle traffic in the suburban areas....
The number of cyclists in Vantaa by the hour from 2015 onwards. Years 2017– The locations of the Ecocounter measuring points in Vantaa and numbers of cyclists at the points starting from 12 July 2017. The new dataset...
The data includes annual data on the number of parking fines by street name in Vantaa. From 2022 onwards, the data contains a breakdown of the amount of fines, due to which the statistics for 2015-2021 will be shown...
Aineisto on voimassa olevien pysäkki- ja aikataulujen mukainen. txt-muotoinen aineisto zip-paketissa (GTFS).
Jyväskylän seudun joukkoliikenteen linja-autojen aikatauluja pysäkkitietoja
Turun seudun joukkoliikenteestä tarjotaan sekä staattista suunnittelutietoa että reaaliaikasta liikennöintitietoa.
Pysäköinti on olennainen osa kaupungin liikennejärjestelmää ja keskeinen tekijä kaavoituksessa ja rakentamisessa – sekä tilantarpeen että kustannusten vuoksi. Yhteiskunnan ja tekniikan murros vaikuttavat tulevaisuuden...
Rajapinta Turun katujen puhdistussuunnitelmiin. Rajapinnan kautta saa CSV-tiedoston, jossa on seuraavat tulevien puhdistuskohteiden tiedot: Katuosan puhdistuspäivämäärä Kadun nimi Tarkennus (puhdistussuunnitelman...
Helsingin historialliset tilastot on kokoelma Helsingin kaupungin historiaa kuvaavia tilastotietoja väestöstä, asuntokunnista, asumisesta, työelämästä ja koulutuksesta. Tilastojen aikasarjat vaihtelevat alkaen...
Number of cyclists in Helsinki per hour from the beginning of 2014. The number of cyclists is calculated automatically at 16 different measuring points. The location coordinates of the counting machines are indicative...
This dataset provides Helsinki's street cleaning plans. API can be queried for CSV files, see instructions below. Basic query which returns street cleaning plans for the next day:...
The body of the open boat data covers details on registered boats and the municipal which used in from the traffic register maintained by Traficom.
The guide map of the City of Helsinki is a map of the Helsinki area with a generalised documentation technique, produced to assist in positioning and guidance. The guide map is produced from the map data maintained by...
NOTE: This dataset is no longer maintained after January 2019. The maintenance of the corresponding information will take place from 21 January 2019 in the Finnish Food Authority’s national VATI system. The dataset...