This dataset provides statistics on buildings in Uusimaa by purpose of use, heating method, heating material and floor area as of 31.12.2010.
Aluesarjat - Key figures enables the use of statistical data by sub-region of Helsinki using the open WFS interface. The statistics are based on the data in the Helsinki region statistical database. The information is...
This analysis has the simulation results of the microclimate of one block in Punavuori, Helsinki. An urban microclimate is the climate of any urban area that is different to its surrounding area. An urban heat island...
This analysis evaluates heat vulnerability index in Helsinki. Heat vulnerability is measured as a function of exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity. Exposure refers to the degree to which a city is exposed to...
The Nordstat database, implemented in cooperation between the Nordic countries, contains basic statistics as time series on the largest cities and urban regions in the Nordic countries. The statistics for entire...
You can use the address interface of Uusimaa to search for official addresses and their coordinates for the entire Uusimaa region. The interface provides the coordinates, postal code and municipality name for the...
This dataset provides statistics on housing production by type of house, tenure status, financing and room type in Helsinki.
The Statistical Yearbook provides a varied, statistics-based description of Helsinki and its residents. Many of the tables also present comparative data from the rest of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area, the Helsinki...
There are two next generation 3D city models of Helsinki available: a semantic city information model and a visually high-quality reality mesh model. You can view the 3D city model and download its information at...
Helsingin historialliset tilastot on kokoelma Helsingin kaupungin historiaa kuvaavia tilastotietoja väestöstä, asuntokunnista, asumisesta, työelämästä ja koulutuksesta. Tilastojen aikasarjat vaihtelevat alkaen...
Statistical tables of Helsinki’s Nuoret alueittain (Youth by Area) publications. Nuoret alueittain was published by the City of Helsinki Urban Facts between 2005 and 2014. The publication contains regional data on,...
The regional statistics interface enables the computerised retrieval of statistical data in Greater Helsinki’s Aluesarjat (in Finnish) statistical database in different file formats, such as XLSX, CSV, JSON and...
NOTE: The API is currently not in use due to renewal of the information system. The renewed API is scheduled to be published in 2025. An API to the City of Helsinki digital feedback system. The API allows requesting...
Statistical tables of the Helsinki by District annual publications. Helsinki by District is a statistical handbook that describes not only the history and current appearance of the areas, but also the future trend...
The Service Map is an open information channel on the service points and services offered by the cities of Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa and Kauniainen. The Service Map helps the inhabitants of the municipality find current...
NOTE: is no longer (1/2015) maintained, but its code can be found on GitHub: was part of Helsinki Region Infoshare. It provided Linked Open Data...
Statistics on buildings in Uusimaa by intended use, year of construction and floor area 31.12.2010-.
This dataset provides the housing production projection for Helsinki.
This dataset provides statistics on construction in Helsinki by intended use 2003-
This dataset provides statistics on buildings in Helsinki beginning from 2010.